The meaning of color in psychology

Since ancient times, people have attached special importance to flowers, for good reason we still consider black a mourning to this day, and we associate red with passion. True, with the development of scientific thought, the phenomenon of color began to be studied from different angles, at the present time they distinguish between physics, physiology and psychology of color perception. The last section is most interesting, since the first two disciplines study the "technical" side of the phenomenon, and from the point of view of psychology, the person's favorite color can tell a lot about his character, with the help of correctly selected shades one can influence the psychological state of a person.

What do colors mean in psychology?

As already mentioned above, psychology can explain the choice of color by certain features in the character of a person or his mood at a particular moment. For this purpose, a special technique has been developed (the Lusher test or the color test of the relationship ), which will make it possible to determine the character of the person. True, its use requires some professional skills. But a layman can also learn a lot about himself, having familiarized himself with the meaning of his favorite color, which is accepted in psychology.

  1. White color is a synthesis of all the others, so it is often called "ideal", and for the same reason, color is multi-valued. You can choose a white man with any character, but he himself is ready to accept anyone, not wanting to repel anyone.
  2. The value of black in psychology is usually negative. So, people who prefer black clothes, consider themselves insecure, have a grim perception of life and are prone to depression. Constant choice of black color indicates the presence of a crisis state, aggressive rejection of oneself or others. With a frequent change of black clothing to another, brighter, it can talk about changing the outlook, that the pessimistic mood is gradually disappearing.
  3. Gray color is preferred by the judicious and mistrustful people who are accustomed to ponder their every move, being afraid to be in sight. The ardent opponents of gray, on the contrary, have an extremely impulsive and frivolous character. Sometimes this color is chosen in order to protect oneself from the outside world, with severe overwork or in a stressful situation.
  4. What does the shades of red mean, everyone knows, this is passion, but in psychology it has another meaning. A person who chooses a red color as a loved one is sociable, powerful and quick-tempered, altruistic impulses are not alien to him. Overabundance of red can provoke aggression. People who reject this color, can have an inferiority complex, they tend to avoid quarrels, the desire for privacy and stability in relationships also in their nature. In addition, red color can be rejected in case of physical or mental exhaustion.
  5. Brown color is preferred by people who value family and traditions, they aspire to simple instinctive experiences and sensual pleasures. But the constant choice of this color can talk about physical exhaustion.
  6. Yellow color speaks about ease in communication, intelligence and tranquility. If such a person is loved, then all these qualities are inherent in him, but if he is not popular, then it is very difficult to get acquainted with such a person. Often yellow people who love the change of places choose.
  7. Blue people like the people, modest, prone to melancholy, they quickly become tired, so they need frequent rest. Such a person is very important sense of self-confidence, the location of others. Indifference to this color indicates frivolity in the field of feelings, and his aversion speaks of self-assured self-confidence, which conceals isolation. In case of fatigue or illness, the need for a blue color is enhanced.
  8. Green color reveals a person who is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for opportunities for self-affirmation. The one who rejects this color, fears the vicissitudes of fate, everyday problems and any difficulties. Also, those who try to succeed not at the expense of their efforts, but because of their emotional impact, do not like green. Well, people who are on the verge of physical or mental exhaustion, can also reject this color.

This value is only basic, basic colors, but each shade can be explained in its own way. So, pink color speaks about the need to love, to be kinder, pragmatists reject this color. Orange gives dreamers with developed intuition, and purple speaks of infantilism, suggestibility and the need for support in a dispute. For the interpretation of an individual tone, one must take into account the characteristics of the colors, from the mixing of which it is obtained, and give preference to the prevailing color.

Psychology of color perception in business

Knowledge of color designation in psychology is also used in business, especially advertising. To influence the buyer the most effective are turquoise, yellow, ruby ​​and blue-violet colors. A blue or red font on a white background will be perceived as a recommendation. But the combination of black and white in most cases is ineffective. Luxury is emphasized by the combination of red and gold, freshness - cold shades. It takes into account not only the shade itself, but also the color temperature. So, for places of direct sale a cooler white color is recommended, and a warmer shade is used to create a calm environment.

Proceeding from the foregoing, the opinion that color is a good means of correcting one's own emotions and feelings of others seems quite logical.