How to use flax seeds?

The use of flax seeds for weight loss has been known for a long time. Also, the seeds of this plant favorably influence digestion, prevent a number of diseases and promote the strengthening of immunity . That is why today we will get acquainted with the most effective and useful recipes, which will help you more than once, and tell you about how to use flax seeds.

The simplest way to use and prepare a weight loss remedy is, perhaps, a decoction of flax seeds. It should be noted that this broth has a slight laxative effect, and also reduces appetite. Take a drink before eating a 100 ml.

Linen broth



Seeds of flax pour a glass of boiling water, then cook on low heat for half an hour. Do not forget to stir occasionally. Before taking the inside of the ready drink cool. We store the broth in the refrigerator.

Also losing weight with the help of flax seeds will be pleasant and easy, if you learn how to cook the infusion.

Infusion of flax seeds



Seeds pour two cups of boiling water and leave to insist on the night. For the steaming, the thermos is good. We also take 100 ml 3 times a day.

In addition to the standard recipes for weight loss, flax seed can be used in the preparation of a wide variety of drinks. So, for example, with a minimum of effort, you can cook a delicious jelly.

Linen jelly



Pour the seeds of flax with boiling water and weigh the future kissel in a water bath for two hours. One hour before the readiness, we add dried fruits or favorite berries to the pan. If desired, you can add a little sugar.

As you know, rarely any diet does without kefir. That's why we saved for the readers an excellent prescription for weight loss based on the seed of flax and yogurt. It should be noted that for three weeks we increase the number of seeds by exactly one spoon.

Flax seeds with yogurt



Mix kefir with flax seeds, if desired, you can add a little sugar, muesli or dried fruits .

And, of course, what a hot summer does without cocktails! We offer you a recipe for a useful and vitamin cocktail with linseed oil.

Linen cocktail



In a glass with carrot juice, add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, then whisk a bit. Then add a tablespoon of chopped flax seeds, give the drink to infuse for 5-7 minutes.

And for lovers of sweet there are many options for combining pleasant with useful, for example, right now we will learn how to prepare a fruit dessert with the addition of flax seeds.

Dessert with flaxseed and dried fruits



First, soak in cold water raisins, dried apricots and prunes for a couple of hours. Then rinse the lemon and clean it from the bones, further we grind it in a blender with other dried fruits, having preliminary drained from them water. We mix everything, not peeling, adding figs, walnuts and flax seeds. Dessert is perfectly combined with natural yogurt and kefir, it can act as a separate dish. If you want to complete the taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

And finally I would like to tell a couple of secrets about using flax seeds after losing weight to maintain a shape: