Tea with ginger for weight loss

Now the network can be seen information that tea with ginger for weight loss gives an amazing result and allows you to lose weight even with improper diet and sedentary lifestyle. In fact, this is really an effective tool, but its properties are still exaggerated. Consider, at the expense of his such a drink helps in losing weight, how to prepare it and how to drink it.

Is the fat burning tea with ginger?

It is difficult to call ginger tea fat-burning, because in itself it does not destroy fat cells, but it helps the body in this process indirectly.

The intake of ginger tea greatly disperses metabolism at all levels: it acts as a choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic and even purgative, actively expelling toxins and excess fluid from the body. This significantly speeds up metabolism , which means that the body begins to spend much more energy even in a state of rest.

The only problem is that to accumulate excess weight you need too much excess calories. Those. if you have recovered, this indicates that your diet gives you much more energy than you need for your life, and it is because of this that the body began to store it in the form of fat deposits.

This suggests that even a very good metabolism alone can not cope: you need at least to stop overeating, to give up sweet and flour, to limit fried and fatty foods. Eating low-fat meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, you will already lose weight, and if you take ginger, the rate of weight loss will increase, because the metabolism will work as quickly as possible.

Thus, tea with ginger for weight loss is effective, although it can not be called fat burning. Just help him to show strength, make your diet more correct - and the results will not keep you waiting.

Tea with ginger: caloric value

Good news for those who count calories: ginger tea has very low rates! The classical version with ginger and lemon gives the body only 1.78 kcal per 100 g (that is, about 3.5 kcal per whole glass). This is an excellent dietary option, which also perfectly removes the feeling of hunger.

If you use a recipe with a spoon of honey, then the caloric content of the drink increases to about 18 calories per 100 g or 45 kcal per glass (depending on the amount of honey). This drink should be taken only in the morning.

Due to the low caloric content, this drink can be used as a snack - a second breakfast or a snack. If you feel hunger in the evening, you can drink tea with ginger at night, but in this case do not put honey and other sweeteners on it. If you fall asleep badly, this method will not work for you, because ginger invigorates.

How to drink tea with ginger?

The basic way of making ginger is to peel, grate the root, and boil with boiling water at a rate of 1-2 tsp. to a glass of water. Insist such a tea should be at least half an hour. To this recipe, you can apply such additions:

  1. Add before before brewing to ginger a mashed garlic clove (it is believed that this increases the effectiveness for weight loss). Insist 1 hour.
  2. Add before brewing a spoon of mint leaves, a pinch of cardamom and pour boiling water. Insist 40 minutes.
  3. Add to the finished drink 1 spoon of raspberry jam and 1 spoon of honey. This drink can be drunk only in the morning.

Ginger drink should be drunk 3-5 times a day provided that the product is well tolerated. Often, it is advised to take half a glass before meals to speed up metabolic processes and improve the work of the digestive system. You can use it as you like, the main thing is to do it regularly and combine it with proper nutrition. In this case, the result will not be long in coming.