Porridge "Friendship" in the multivark - 9 original ways of cooking

Porridge "Friendship" in the multivariate turns out especially tasty and fragrant. The rice harmoniously combines with the millet, creating a wonderful useful duet, the taste of which has been familiar to many since childhood. Thanks to the efforts of the device, the constituent dishes are perfectly steamed, without requiring constant tedious stirring.

How to cook porridge "Friendship"?

Porridge "Friendship" in a multivark - a simple recipe, quickly implemented, but requiring compliance with the available rules and recommendations, without which it will be impossible to achieve the desired result.

  1. It is necessary to observe the correct proportions of the components, measuring them with a multi-glass or other capacity. To obtain a classic taste of delicacies: for one glass of a mixture of two types of cereals, taken equally, add five glasses of milk or water.
  2. Sugar sand and butter are added, focusing on their taste preferences. On average, 1 to 4 tablespoons of sweetener and 20 to 60 g of butter are put on one serving.
  3. Porridge "Friendship" in the multivark can be prepared in the mode "Milk porridge", "Kasha", "Varka na stei", "Soup".
  4. After the signal about the end of the selected program, you can steal the dish for another 10-20 minutes in the "Heating" mode.

Porridge "Friendship" - recipe for milk

The most nutritious and rich is the porridge "Friendship" in milk. Groats are initially picked, removing if there are poor-quality grains, and washed several times before the transparency of the water. If these proportions are observed, the porridge will come out thick. To get the texture of the dish, like low-fat sour cream, it is necessary to increase the portion of milk per glass.



  1. Prepared rice and millet are laid in a multikatryulyu, pour milk, add salt, oil.
  2. Turn the device on in the "Milk porridge" mode.
  3. After the porridge signal, "Friendship" in the multivarquet will be ready.

Porridge "Friendship" on the water - recipe

Porridge "Friendship" on the water can be cooked in fasting or as a diet option with fewer calories. In addition, if you exclude sugar from the recipe, the result will be an excellent side dish to stew or meatballs cooked for dinner or for dinner. 4 portions of a delicious and healthy dish can be made in 1 hour, of which for active actions should be given no more than 10 minutes.



  1. Two types of washed cereals are placed in a multi-device container, filled with water.
  2. Add salt, oil and optional granulated sugar to taste.
  3. Next porridge "Friendship" on the water in a multivariate is prepared in the mode of "Kasha", "Rice" or "Pilaf".

Porridge "Friendship" as in a kindergarten

The next recipe for those who yearn for the long-forgotten taste of a dairy dish from a kindergarten. From it you will learn how tasty it is to cook the porridge "Friendship", so that it will turn out like a treat from childhood. The secret of success in using a mixture of milk and water as a liquid base, which makes the dish more tender and easier to digest.



  1. Rinsed to clear water, millet and rice are placed in the container of the device.
  2. Measure the required amount of water and milk.
  3. Sprinkle sugar, salt, add butter.
  4. Turn on the "Milk porridge" mode.
  5. After the signal, the delicious porridge "Friendship" will be ready.

Porridge "Friendship" with pumpkin - recipe

Porridge "Friendship" with a pumpkin will please not only an excellent taste and a more useful composition, but also a bright appetizing appearance. To prepare the dish, it is preferable to use a vegetable of sweet muscat varieties. It must be cleaned of hard outer peel, seeds and internal fibers, and cut the flesh into small cubes.



  1. Rice and millet are sorted, washed to clarity of water and put into multicastry.
  2. Add the prepared cubes of pumpkin pulp, pour in water and milk.
  3. Shedarivayut components sugar and salt, add at the request of butter, include the function "Milk porridge."
  4. After the porridge signal, "Friendship" with the pumpkin in the multivarquet is ready to serve.

Casserole from the porridge "Friendship"

If the preparation of porridge "Friendship" no longer raises questions, you can start implementing more intricate recipes. Freshly brewed or left after a former meal of porridge you can decorate a delicious casserole , from which both adults and children will simply be delighted. Ready to cool off the dainty sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with sour cream, jam or honey.



  1. Porridge is ground with sugar and yolks, adding rinsed raisins.
  2. Proteins beat up to peaks and mix into the base together with vanillin.
  3. Transfer the mass into an oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs of the device and cook in the "Bake" mode for 55 minutes.

The porridge "Friendship"

The porridge "Friendship" in the multivark will become a regular for supporters of dietary low-calorie food or those who keep fasting. Prepares a dish without milk and butter on water and, if desired, refueled with vegetable oil. Sweet option can be supplemented with raisins, dried fruits or berries.



  1. Washed croup and additives are placed in the bowl.
  2. Pour in the water and cook the dish in the "Kasha", "Rice" or "Pilaf".
  3. Porridge "Friendship" crumbly, if steamed it on the "warmth" 20 minutes.

Liquid porridge "Friendship"

Porridge "Friendship" on water and milk, prepared according to the following recipe, is obtained by the consistency of the usual. The recipe can be varied by replacing a serving of water with milk or cooking a dish in a lean version without a milk base and oil. From the indicated number of components, you will get 4 servings of useful and tasty food.



  1. Two types of cereals are washed, pawned in a bowl.
  2. Pour in milk and water, add sugar, salt and butter.
  3. Turn on the device in the mode of "Milk porridge" and wait for the signal and the completion of cooking.

Porridge "Friendship" in a multi-cooker pressure cooker

Much faster porridge porridge "Friendship" in the pressure cooker. Already after 20 minutes from the beginning of the program "Kasha" or "Soup" the device will give a signal that will indicate the readiness of the dish. Delicacy will be more magnificent, if you add to the base at the end of the preparation whipped egg whipped before the splendor.



  1. Put rice and millet, sugar and salt in a multicast pot and mix everything with a mixture of milk and water.
  2. Turn on the appropriate mode and wait for the signal.
  3. Stir in the hot mass of beaten eggs and butter, leave the porridge on the "Heat" for 10 minutes.

Porridge "Friendship" with raisins in a multivark

Particularly useful, tasty and fragrant is the porridge "Friendship" with raisins and vanilla. You can use other flavors to your taste: pre-washed and chopped dried apricots, prunes, nuts or candied fruits. By making such a valuable treat for breakfast, you will provide the body with a mass of vitamins and recharge your energy for the whole day.



  1. Rinse rice, millet and raisins, pawn in a bowl.
  2. Pour in the necessary amount of milk and water, lay the butter, salt, granulated sugar and vanillin.
  3. Turn on the device, adjust it for the function "Milk porridge" and leave the cookery to cook until the signal.