
Whether it is now fashionable to be a cynic, or it is a punishment of God, with which it is difficult to fight and can not be eradicated in any way. Perhaps, for some people, cynicism is a protective reaction, a peculiar norm of behavior. Anyway, cynicism is good or bad, this is what we have to understand.

People about people

Cynicism or cynicism is usually seen as a frank, defiantly contemptuous and contemptuous attitude to the norms of public morals, cultural values ​​or individuals with a sense of superiority.

What does "cynical man" mean to many is not a secret. Everyone has his own understanding of cynicism and the negative or positive attitude that has developed towards such a phenomenon. In itself, this phenomenon can not be called bad or good. "Our attitude, our subjective assessment, makes it" bad "or" good ".

In modern life, cynicism has the right to exist. Because for many it is a defensive reaction to the cruelty and injustice of the world around us, which, you will agree, suffices in our society.

Cynical thoughts "zahazhivayut" in the head to each of us. The desire to violate any principles and norms, as a rule, remains in our subconscious. Mentally, we can send "to the sky behind the star" all of our public, or a particular person, and even to evaluate ourselves as the smartest and most unique.

Cynical humor is another manifestation of a cynical man, which requires skill. Humor should cause others to have fun and laughter. However, often notorious cynics can not laugh, but offend the interlocutor with peculiar jokes. Either you need to get used to and learn to understand such "chips", or rid yourself of communication with cynical people - save your nerves.

Gentlemen's set

At first glance, a cynical man instills confidence, attracting harshness, masculinity and sexuality. This, of course, for the time being until his cynical attitude touches you. Then take heed, you will have to fight back or immediately surrender and disgrace with disgrace. Cynical men are often similar in one - behind their shoulders is the bitter experience of a relationship with a woman, the betrayal of friends, the injustice to their person. Similar failures leave scratches, and even scars on heart, excuse for banality that serves as the reason of display of man's cynicism.

Male cynics tend to prefer free relationships based on sex and no feelings. Feelings, in particular love, they call into question, do not believe. So, at least they say. A cynical man is particularly vulnerable and inaccessible, no matter how contradictory this may sound. Outwardly showing his strength and firmness, he carefully hides his soul, so that, for the umpteenth time, someone does not spit there. Yes, and it happens ...

About ours, about the girl

A cynical woman, like a man, can manifest herself in this manner when she needs to be protected. But in most cases, the woman's cynicism is an integral part of the image of a lady-bitch. This current is now especially popular among the beautiful half of humanity. Magazines, books, various Internet sources are simply clogged with information about how and what to do to become a bitch. In modern society, being a bitch is prestigious, and it's a whole art. Bitch is not a crazy hysterical woman, but a strong and independent woman. And the right, cynicism bitch does not hold.

Does it make sense to consider the question of how to get rid of cynicism, when for many it is the norm of life. In any case, you can get rid of cynicism if you reconsider and analyze your life, the experience of past relationships. To understand that you were offended, frightened, forgiven and let go of all the unpleasant things that made you callous and incredulous. You can only love people after you love yourself. Embarrassment towards others begins with you. Forgive yourself mistakes and misses - this is also an experience. When you become kinder, in an amazing way everything is transformed.