Chicken Meatballs in Cream Sauce

Meatballs - the dish is simple, but very hearty and tasty. How to make chicken meatballs, read below.

Chicken meatballs in creamy sauce - recipe in a multivariate



Chicken fillet and half of onions are twisted in a meat grinder. We drive the egg and add seasoning to taste. The stuffing comes out pretty liquid, so for the density we add semolina. We mix well, form the meatballs and send them to the multivark, previously lubricated with oil. In the "Baking" mode we can stand 10 minutes on one side, and then carefully turn over and prepare the same amount. Then take the meatballs carefully, place the chopped onions and carrots into a bowl and fry for 10 minutes, stirring the vegetables from time to time. Now put them on top of the meatballs, fill it with cream. To taste, we add salt, if necessary, and in the "Quenching" mode, we prepare 30 minutes. This recipe can be slightly changed to make the dish more dietary. Then meatballs and vegetables do not have to be pre-fried. Simply lay out the prepared onions with carrots in the multivark, place the raw preforms on top, pour the cream and cook the chicken meatballs in the cream sauce in the multivark in the "Quenching" mode for 60 minutes.

Chicken meatballs in creamy tomato sauce



We connect the boiled rice with minced meat, drive the egg, add salt and put spices. We form the meatballs and fry them until they are red in oil. Grind the onions and carrots. Separately warm up the oil, pour in the flour and mix well. Fry it until golden brown. Chop the onion to transparency, add carrots and cook until soft. Tomato paste is bred in 100 ml of water, we pour it into a frying pan, add cream and let the gravy boil. We put fried meatballs in a deep frying pan and pour them with the resulting sauce. If it came out too thick, you can pour boiled water. We put out the meatballs for about 15 minutes, then we shredded the shredded greens.

Chicken meatballs in creamy mushroom sauce


For meatballs:

For sauce:


In a bowl, lay out the mince, zucchini three on a grater. A clove of garlic and a small tomato. Solim, add the spices and mix well. We form the meatballs and fry them until they are red. Now proceed to the sauce: chopped melenku onions fry until the transparency. Add onions cut into plates and fry for about 5 minutes. Pour in the cream and bring to a boil. To taste pepper and salt. Everything, the sauce is ready. If the cream is low-fat, it is better to add 1 tablespoon of flour to make the sauce thicken. We lay the meatballs in a mold, we place the sauce with mushrooms on top of them and put them in the oven. At 190 degrees bake for 30 minutes.

Chicken meatballs with rice in creamy sauce



We combine chicken minced meat, boiled rice, egg, chopped onions, garlic, salt and spices. Well, everything is mixed and we make small meatballs. Fry them in a heated frying pan until red. For the sauce in another pan, we warm up the vegetable oil and pass the flour on it for about 2 minutes, stirring. Slowly pour in the broth and mix. Then add the cream and cook the sauce for about 2 minutes. Fill them with our zagotovochki and stew chicken meatballs in creamy sauce in a frying pan for about a quarter of an hour. Enjoy your appetite!