Why dream of vodka?

Vodka is the most popular alcoholic drink that accompanies almost every feast. Vodka can have a different interpretation, because everything depends on the general plot of the dream. You can use the information provided to find out what fate has prepared for you.

Why dream of vodka?

If in a dream you abandoned the proposed vodka, then in reality you can avoid serious problems. It can also be a symbol of the fact that you often waste your energy and energy for nothing. A dream in which you treat someone with alcohol is an unfavorable sign that tells you that you can cause problems for loved ones. If you poured vodka in a dream, then soon you can improve your financial situation.

Why dream a bottle of vodka?

Such a dream is a harbinger of disappointment and anxiety. A dream interpreter recommends at this time to be more open with close people. Another dream in which you saw a bottle of vodka can be considered a warning that you need to be cautious and defend your interests.

Why dream of buying vodka?

The dream in which you buy alcohol is a symbol of the fact that in real life you risk becoming a participant in a dubious operation, which can eventually result in significant losses and problems for you.

Why dream a glass of vodka?

For a woman, a dream in which she was very intoxicated with a glass of vodka is a warning that at this time, the risk of falling in love with a person who can cause much suffering is increased.

Why dream of drinking vodka?

In this case, sleep is a warning that you should prepare for the emergence of various kinds of problems. They can touch any sphere, so it's not too late to reconsider your attitude to life.