Misophobia - what is it and how to get rid of it?

Misophobia is a common neurosis in people with a mania of purity. Characterized pathologically obsessive desire to frequent washing hands. Among the famous persons suffering from misofobia: Donald Trump, Cameron Diaz, Joan Crawford, Shannen Doherty, Howie Mendel.

What is misofobia?

Misophobia is an obsession or fear of contamination, infection with microbes. The concept of mizophobia was first used by William Hammond, calling it the syndrome of obsessive states. Later G. Sullivan, an American psychoanalyst in his study concluded that the mizophobe, although afraid of dirt, but with the desire to wash hands, his mind is completely focused on the idea that "hands must be washed."

Similar names of the disorder:

Manifestations of Mizophobia:

Microphobia and Misophobia

Microphobia is an earlier name for misophobia. Fear of dirt and microbes can form after a severe physical illness, as a result of a serious infection, when a person was suspended between life and death. Misophobia in all surroundings sees a threat to its life. Among those suffering an obsessive desire for purity, also include people whose profession is related to the study of microorganisms.

Misophobia - symptoms

Obsessive fear of dirt is basically a neurosis, and as for any anxiety disorder of mizophobia, the following general symptoms are typical when facing a "menacing" situation (handshake, dirty door handle):

Misophobia - what to do?

Misophobia is a disorder not always realized by people at the initial stage. It gives people a lot of unpleasant life moments, this constant life in fear and anxiety . It takes a long time before a person decides to admit to himself that he has significant psychological problems and something must be done about this. Close people of the mythophobia suffer no less from the manifestation of its strangeness, and among married couples in which one partner suffers from a mizophobia a high percentage of divorces.

How to live with mizophobia?

Minor manifestations of mizophobia slightly disturb the person, for him the desire for purity is like soothing rituals. It is more difficult when the disorder progresses into mania and in order to understand what to do and how to live on, it is important for a person to accept the fact that the fear of dirt has taken hold of his life and controls thinking. It is difficult to overcome the compulsive state alone, but you can begin to monitor the conditions under which the fear of microbes arises. Misophobia manifestations can be reduced by following the steps:

Misophobia - how to get rid?

Phobia, fear of dirt can be cured with an appropriate integrated approach. How to deal with misofobia to a person who has realized the problem and has a desire to help himself cope? There are several directions in medicine and psychology that give good results with proper adherence to treatment and recommendations:

  1. Drug therapy . The appointment of neuroleptics, antidepressants and tranquilizers by a psychiatrist stabilizes the emotional state, reduces the manifestations of anxiety and nervous excitability.
  2. Psychotherapy and psychological help . Group and individual cognitive-behavioral therapy. Hypnosis. Training with a specialist in auto-training and meditation techniques. The paradoxical intention of V. Frankl, in which the misofob meets his face-to-face fear: the practice of handshakes, a trip in public transport.
  3. Traditional medicine . Natural sedatives: chamomile, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, hop cones gently affect the nervous system, reducing stress. Traditional healers recommend drinking decoctions of these herbs, taking baths, focusing on the individual susceptibility of certain plants.

How to become a misofob?

In modern times, in a large flow of information from the media, it is not easy to maintain mental equilibrium. It's very simple to become a misofob: people become anxious when viewing a certain type of news, TV shows that report new strains of flu and high mortality from it or other infections. Misophobia can be from childhood, when restless parents "drag" every little dirt on the child and wash themselves about dangerous microbes that swarm around.

Books about Misophobia

Literature on this topic is not so much, in most cases this is a description of clinical cases from the practice of psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. The theme of bacteriophobia is touched upon in some works of art about famous personalities suffering from this kind of phobia. Books on Mizophobia:

  1. "Rubber gloves" / Horacio Quiroga . Desdemona's girl after the death of her beloved from smallpox begins to experience seizures of mesophobia, scrubbing the skin of her hands with a brush while washing.
  2. "Night guest" Roald Dahl . The book has an episode of germophobia.
  3. "Famous cases from the practice of psychoanalysis" / G.S. Sullivan . A professional view of misofobia.
  4. "Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009). Life of the King. " J. Taraborelli . The well-known fact that the star of world pop music was panicked by the fear of germs.
  5. "Howard Hughes: The Untold Story." P.G. Brown . A talented and charismatic billionaire researcher had various kinds of oddities, among which is mizophobia.

Films about Mizophobia

Misophobia and ripophobia are also reflected in the cinematography:

  1. "Dexter Laboratory . " An animated series in which Dexter's mother is possessed by a mania of purity, a fear of germs, dust and dirt. He wears rubber gloves to exclude contact with microorganisms.
  2. "It can not be better . " Writer Melvin Yudel suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, is afraid to leave the house, often washes his hands and every time a new piece of soap.
  3. The Aviator . Howard Hughes, who was brilliantly played in this picture, Leonardo DiCaprio, adopted a penchant for phobias from his mother, who from the infancy of Hughes paid excessive attention to hygiene. In the film there are bright scenes of manifestation of misophobia.