Bilberry leaves - useful properties and contraindications

Like berries, the leaves of blueberries have useful properties and contraindications. And in the vegetation as much benefit, as in fruits. It is used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Useful and healing properties of blueberry leaves

The composition of leaves in large quantities include:

Vegetation is used in both dry and fresh form. Thanks to its medicinal properties, the leaves of the blueberry normalize metabolic processes in the body. Tea made from them, effectively increases immunity. He is advised to drink for cold and viral diseases. In addition, it tones up, increases efficiency.

And this is not all the benefits that can be extracted from the leaves of blueberries. They also:

Bilberry leaves are extremely effective in diabetes mellitus. They have neomertillin - a substance that allows you to quickly reduce the amount of sugar in the blood.

The broth can be used to treat hemorrhoids. Useful as enemas, and compresses. Lotions with infusion on blueberry leaves are recommended for various dermatological diseases:

Frozen tea from the leaves of blueberries is an excellent means for washing. It removes acne and smooths the skin color. It in combination with cream, sour cream or whipped whites is often used to make face masks.

Contraindications - when it is impossible to use the medicinal and beneficial properties of blueberry leaves

  1. It is not recommended for people suffering from urolithiasis.
  2. Blueberry leaves are contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance of individual components of their composition.
  3. Excessive use of the medicine can lead to constipation.
  4. The substances contained in blueberries contribute to the movement of stones in the kidneys.