Swimming and dry skin - swimming without consequences

Swimming is one of the few sports that uses all the muscles of the human body at the same time. Especially useful is visiting the pool for people with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine and joints. But there is also a serious lack of such physical exertion: chlorinated water has a harmful effect on the skin, especially dry type.

Why does the skin dry after the pool?

Due to the fact that the pool is a public place, care must be taken to disinfect both the water and the surrounding surfaces. To do this, a variety of types of cleaning solutions are used, most of which contain high concentrations of chlorine. Even if the water in the pool is decontaminated by ultraviolet or ultrasound, ionization, fluorine, ozone, chloride compounds are still added to it, since they are most effective in controlling bacteria. When interacting with liquid molecules, such components form acids that adversely affect the skin. In addition, chlorine in pure form dissolves the protective fat layer, which is secreted by pores, provoking desiccation, irritation and peeling of the skin.

How to protect the skin from chlorine?

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that before swimming in the pool, personal hygiene is mandatory. Thus, the skin gets a "double blow": chlorinated water in the shower and a more concentrated solution during the swim.

To protect your face from the negative effects of contact with chloride compounds, you need:

  1. Remove all decorative cosmetics from the skin, since its interaction with water in the pool can cause allergies.
  2. Before swimming, do not apply any creams to the face.
  3. Be sure to use special glasses to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes. It is also recommended to use a nasal clamp.
  4. After the final rinsing in the shower, apply moisturizing cream or milk.

In addition, you need to take care of the body:

  1. Before coming to the pool, about 1.5-2 hours, apply a light moisturizing cream with nutritional components to the skin.
  2. Immediately before swimming during washing, use a hygienic product with a neutral value of ph.
  3. After classes and taking a shower, it is essential to lubricate the body with an intensively moisturizing cream or milk, as well as a nutritive oil, such as shea (karite) or jojoba with vitamins A and E.
  4. If there are any cuts, abrasions or open wounds, they should be sealed with a waterproof plaster.

It is important to take care of the skin of the lips after the pool, because the mouth, in one way or another, comes into contact with water. You should always have a nourishing balm, hygienic lipstick with vitamins A, B (panthenol) and E.

How to protect the scalp from chlorinated water?

Visiting the pool should not forget about the hair, especially since the owners of dry skin of the body suffer from similar problems with the skin on the head. The solution lies in the observance of several rules:

  1. It is necessary to put on a cap (silicone or rubber) for swimming, and it is important that it is as possible densely adjoined to the head.
  2. After the swim, wash your hair with a mild shampoo without dyes and parabens, containing moisturizing ingredients and nourishing oils.
  3. It is desirable to use an indelible lotion or balm.
  4. Do not immediately after the pool and drying with a hair dryer do laying iron or curling iron.
  5. Two or three times a week, rub in the scalp vegetable cosmetic oil (burdock, olive) and apply masks.