Pork with potatoes in foil in the oven

Definitely, one of the best thermal cooking methods is baking.

Tell you how to bake pork with potatoes in foil, dishes of this type are not only tasty, but also very nourishing. They are especially good in cold weather, excellent for those engaged in physical work in the air or in sports, and also suitable for family meals. Meat for this dish is better to choose relatively fat, for example, neck, ham, scapula, chop on a bone or ribs.

Pork baked with potatoes in foil batch - recipe


For sauce:


Cooking sauce: mix mustard with cream and salt spices.

Meat is cut into slices about 1.5 cm thick, coated with sauce and left for 3-12 hours, after such marinating, the meat will turn out to be especially tender and spicy.

Immediately before baking, thoroughly wash the potatoes, clean and cut each one in half along. Boil the potatoes to half-cooked, that is, for 8-10 minutes after boiling (no longer) and immediately salt the water.

For one serving, we need 2-3 potatoes (that is, 4-6 halves).

Cut out the flaps of the right size foil and grease them with melted butter, put half the potatoes side of the cut up. On top of them there is a hunk of meat. We pack everything (you can twice) and put the bags on the baking tray. Bake for about 40 minutes. Meat with potatoes in foil can be baked in the cooling coals of a fire or on a grate. Before serving, you can put a ready portion on plates, and next to - twigs of greens. To this dish the table light wine or beer will harmoniously approach. Bread better rye coarse.

At home, it is convenient enough to bake pork with potatoes in the form under the foil. The same products and training are about the same. Potatoes should be cooked, and meat - marinated, even slightly (you can use beer instead of sauce for this).

In greased with oil or fat form with a high border, lay out the cooked halves of potatoes, and on top of a slice of meat. If you have ribs, put alternately with potatoes and pour abundantly all the sauce. We tighten-we pack the form with foil and bake.