Pots with meat and potatoes in the oven

Dishes in pots were prepared by our ancestors from ancient times. And not in vain, because with this method of cooking, any product becomes much more delicious than with traditional cooking, frying and stewing. Particularly tasty is obtained in the pots combination of meat and potatoes. These two products perfectly complement each other and create a truly royal taste of the dish.

Prepare stew in pots with potatoes is not difficult. It is enough to perform a few simple steps and after a while on your table an appetizing original dish will radiate a mind-boggling, incomparable fragrance.

Preparation of meat in pots with potatoes, mushrooms and cheese



First of all, we will prepare all the components of the dish. We wash and cut small pieces of meat. Carefully wash and peel potato tubers and shred them with small cubes or straws. Pre-washed and peeled carrots cut with straw or let through a large grater, and chop the onion cubes or semirings. Rinse thoroughly with running water of mushrooms and cut them into plates. Garlic is cleaned and finely chopped.

Now alternately fry in a pan until the rudeness of meat, mushrooms, potatoes and onion with carrots and put in separate bowls.

At the bottom of each pot, we first lay meat, then onions with carrots and garlic. Further we add potatoes and mushrooms and we shred with shredded greens. Each layer is savored to taste with salt, ground black pepper and spices of your choice and taste. In each pot, we put on a teaspoon of butter, pour half the glass of purified water or broth, throw a pinch of hard cheese through the grater and water with mayonnaise.

We cover the pots with lids and place them in the oven for forty minutes at a temperature of 185 degrees.

On readiness we give the dish to brew for twenty minutes, and then we can serve, seasoning with fresh herbs.

Potatoes baked in a pot with meat and sour cream



We prepare the components for filling pots. To begin with, we wash, dry and cut small pieces of meat, season them with salt, ground black pepper, a mixture of dry Italian herbs and lay out on the pots first layer. Next, we clean, shred the semicircles onion and pass it on vegetable oil for a few minutes. Then add the previously washed and chopped mushrooms, let them brown a little, and stacked alternately in each pot over the meat. Then turn the potatoes. My tubers are good, clean, shinkuem thin circles or slices and place the third layer.

In each pot, throw a pinch of hard cheese, passing it through a large grater. Add about two spoons of spicy sour cream mixed with chopped or finely chopped garlic, ground pepper, salt and Italian herbs.

We determine the pots covered in a lid in the oven and cook at 200 degrees for at least one hour. We check the preparedness of the potato with a toothpick and, if necessary, extend the time of the dish's stay in the oven.