Coffee is good and bad

Every morning we start with a cup of fragrant coffee, at the same time, do not even think about how much damage our body can cause. Much depends on various factors: the degree of roasting, the way of preparation, quality and grade of coffee. Of course, the harm and benefit of coffee directly depends on the dose of consumption. All is well, but in moderation.

Coffee invigorates, cheers up , gives us energy and increases efficiency. All this is true, but it is worth remembering that caffeine acts on everyone in different ways, and besides, it's very difficult to guess with the dose that is suitable for your organism.

Excessive consumption of coffee negatively affects our nervous system. Regular, excessive consumption of coffee, can soon lead to depression, drowsiness, irritability.

The effect of coffee on the urinary system

Everyone knows that coffee has a diuretic effect, so people with diseases of the genitourinary system should avoid the consumption of coffee. But if you really do not have the strength to give up an invigorating drink, it is recommended to drink more water before, after and between coffee receptions.

Coffee on an empty stomach - good and bad

Having risen from the bed, the first thing we do is run to the kitchen with a cup of coffee, in order to wake up from sleep as soon as possible and get a charge of energy for the whole future day. In this case, we often drank coffee on an empty stomach, and even replace them with breakfast. Using coffee on an empty stomach, we must understand that the benefits and harms of such a drink always keep pace in the leg. Coffee can increase the acidic environment of the stomach, and this can lead to gastritis or gastric ulcer.

Dependence on coffee

It is also worth noting that coffee can cause addiction. If the body does not receive the desired dose of caffeine, we will experience drowsiness, weakness, some discomfort, exhaustion and weakness. Therefore, if you have decided once and for all to put an end to this addiction, do not immediately, suddenly and abruptly stop drinking coffee. Gradually reduce the dose, and soon you will achieve the desired result without causing any damage to the body.

The Benefits of Coffee

It's time to talk not only about harm, but about the benefits of natural coffee. Well, firstly, I want to immediately refute the myth that coffee, supposedly, has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. It is proved that coffee in no way increases the risk of heart and vascular disease, but it is really not recommended to drink it with the presence of heart diseases.

Drinking coffee in permissible doses:

Coffee at losing weight

Let's see if you can drink coffee on a diet.

If you drink coffee without any additives, this drink in no way will prevent weight loss, and just the opposite and all because of its magical property to reduce your appetite and have a beneficial effect on metabolism. The caloric content of a portion of natural espresso is only 20 kcal, but it's better to refuse from mocha (260 kcal), latte (120-180 kcal) and frapuchino (500 kcal), as we see, the calorie content of these drinks is quite high.

If you urgently need to lose a few pounds, then the diet for coffee is just for you. True, it is not a balanced and daily diet can not become. The diet is designed for 3 days and no more. Throughout the diet, you can drink coffee, without any restrictions, but at the same time, the break between meals should be at least 1-2 hours. Also, the diet involves eating black chocolate, not more than 150 grams per day. Water and any other liquid should be excluded from the diet.

The diet is quite tough, but as they say, the result justifies the means, in 3 days you will get rid of 2-4 kg of excess weight.