Wen on the neck

Lipoma or adipose is a benign formation that consists of clusters of lipocytes. It is located in the sheath of connective cells, so it does not disturb the structure of surrounding tissues, nor does it affect the functioning of organs located side by side. This neoplasm does not pose a threat to life and health, but it is a noticeable cosmetic defect. For example, a wig on the neck is not only well visible, but also prevents wearing certain types of clothing and accessories, jewelry, especially if the lipoma is impressive in size.

Causes of formation under the skin on the neck of the wen

It is difficult to single out the factor that contributed to the growth of subcutaneous lipoid formation. There are many theories that only suggest possible causes for the appearance of Wen. Among them are the following options:

It is worth noting that to eliminate the lipoma, it is not necessary to know its causes. It is enough to have an idea of ​​the tendency of a new growth to growth and its speed.

How to get rid of a wen on the neck by traditional methods?

Conservative medicine usually involves the surgical extraction of a clump of lipocytes along with a capsule.

There are several methods for conducting such operations. Today, there are such ways of removing the wig on the neck:

  1. Laser treatment. The lipoma actually evaporates under a directed beam of ionized particles. The risk of recurrence is almost zero, after the procedure there are no defects.
  2. Classical excision. The operation consists in cutting the skin over the Wen's scalpel and mechanically squeezing out the contents of the lipoma, after which the surgeon scraps out the capsule itself.
  3. Aspiration puncture. During the procedure, the fat tissue is sucked through a special needle (liposuction). The main disadvantage of this method is that the skin remains under the skin, which does not exclude the risk of repeated growth of the tumor.

There is also a way to treat a small fatty gland on the neck (less than 3 cm in diameter) without resorting to surgical intervention. To do this, a drug is injected directly into the lipoid tissue, which facilitates the gradual resorption of the lipoma. As a rule, during the next 3 months, education completely disappears.

Treatment of a fatty gland on the neck with folk remedies

It is extremely undesirable to try to get rid of the lipoma on your own, as any effects on the adipose are irritants and can provoke its inflammation.

Folk methods can be used only with the permission of the doctor and in the case of very small neoplasms. For example, sometimes helps compress on the basis of onions.

The recipe for a bandage from Wen


Preparation and use

Bake the onion in the oven, then grind. Soap grate on a fine grater and mix with onion. The resulting composition is pribintovat to lipoma. Change the compress daily, thrice a day, until the fatty body disappears completely.