Gymnastics for the eyes to improve vision

Scientists for the first time asked the question, does eye sight improve the eye gymnastics many centuries ago. Another Avicenna believed that in this way, it is possible to significantly strengthen vigilance. Modern research also confirms that with the help of special exercises it is possible to cope with progressive myopia and even restore the lost visual acuity. Gymnastics for the eyes to improve the vision will suit those who work long hours at the computer, as a preventive measure.

Does gymnastics help the eyes improve their eyesight?

Gymnastics for the eyes for vision recovery works at the expense of two factors - training the organs of sight directly and influencing the brain centers responsible for the person's ability to see. And that, and another function in modern man is constantly on the limit.

Working at a computer, driving a car, reading and even monitoring news on a smartphone create an increased strain on the eyes. That is why the first thing you need to learn to do is give the organs of vision and the brain the opportunity to intensively relax, relax. It's enough 1-2 minutes per hour to completely restore the visual resource. Gymnastics for the eyes, restoring vision, begins with exercises of rest:

  1. Close your eyes with the palms of your hands, leaving a small space so that you can open and close your eyes in the dark. This exercise is performed sitting, for 3-4 sets of 10-15 seconds each.
  2. The initial pose is the same. The base of the little fingers of the palms leans on the bridge of the nose. A little massage. Do 3-4 deep breaths and full exhalation.
  3. Close your eyes and massage your eyebrow.

Doing these exercises once or twice a day, you will significantly reduce the burden on the eyes and, very likely, get rid of headaches . If possible, it is better to do such gymnastics at the open window, or in the fresh air. At the same time, the lighting should not be too bright.

Gymnastics for the eyes and vision correction

Those who have poor eyesight, gymnastics for the eyes will help to see better. For this relaxation exercise should be alternated with special eye training:

  1. Without closing your eyes, raise your eyebrows as much as possible. Lower it. Repeat the exercise until you feel a rush of blood to the top of your ears.
  2. Make several rotational movements with your eyes, stopping at each point for 5-10 seconds. Right-left-up-down.
  3. Look alternately, concentrating the vision on the tip of the nose, then - on the target in the distance. It is best to do this exercise in the open space, by the window. The point in the distance should be visible clearly, but be at the maximum distance.
  4. Close your eyes. Imagine that your nose is a pencil. Without opening your eyes, start writing your imaginary pencil your name, simple short words, draw geometric shapes. The duration of this exercise should not be less than 2-3 minutes.

Yoga is very important for gymnastics. We have selected for you a simple set of exercises that will help to strengthen visual acuity, and in some cases completely get rid of myopia. It is important to remember that before gymnastics it is advisable not to eat, do a few intense physical exercises to strengthen blood circulation, drink some water and take a few deep breaths and exhalations. Here is this complex:

  1. Slowly blink 10 times. Close your eyes and count to 10 at an interval of 1 count per second.
  2. Open your eyes. Look to the right. Look straight ahead. Look to the left. Repeat 10 times. Close your eyes for 10 seconds.
  3. Open your eyes. Look left up. Look right down. Repeat 10 times. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction - left down and right up. Close your eyes for 10 seconds.
  4. Make 5 rotating movements with pupils. Close your eyes for 10 seconds. Open your eyes - the exercise is over.