Hyperhidrosis - treatment

Sweating increases with increased temperature, physical exertion, with the administration of certain medicines.

Types and symptoms of hyperhidrosis

There are two types of hyperhidrosis:

Primary is usually not associated with any diseases, but manifests itself in connection with stress, emotional stress (emotional hyperhidrosis). Most often this form of hyperhidrosis is a physiological feature of a person.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is provoked by some disease, leading to a violation of the function of the sweat glands.

Also classify the types of hyperhidrosis in the localization area:

General causes intense sweating on the entire surface of the body or for the most part, where the sweat glands are located.

Localized - hyperhidrosis of the palms, feet, head (face and scalp), axillary hyperhidrosis - is observed usually for no apparent reason.

Increased separation makes it necessary to change clothes more often. there is a wet clothes. Often there is an unpleasant smell of the body due to the active reproduction of bacteria, with the development of fungal and pyogenic flora on the skin.

People with excessive sweating tend to avoid close contact (hugs, handshakes), restrict physical activity. Even the thought of a situation of concern can activate sweat glands.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Secondary hyperhidrosis may indicate the presence of such diseases:

Also, excessive sweating can result in the wearing of rubber shoes, synthetic clothes and socks.

Sometimes doctors associate the manifestations of primary hyperhidrosis with heredity.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

The method of treating hyperhidrosis is discussed with the doctor (therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist) after revealing its cause.

With emotional hyperhidrosis prescribe medication - sedatives, tranquilizers. Also it is necessary to take restorative means, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, wear clothes and shoes made of natural materials.

From mild hyperhidrosis, deodorants-antiperspirants are saved that block the sweat glands, inhibit the activity of bacteria and aromatize. Antipersperant can be used not only for axillary hyperhidrosis, but also for the palms, feet, back, chest.

They are available in the form of powders for dusting, solutions, gels, ointments.

To treat excessive sweating apply courses of physiotherapy procedures:

Effective, but rather painful and expensive method - injections of Botox and Disport. The drug is administered subcutaneously and acts for about half a year, blocking nerve impulses to sweat glands.

To a surgical intervention resort in case, if other methods do not help or assist. There are several types of operations for various problem areas of the body, with which you can permanently get rid of hyperhidrosis. However, surgical methods can also carry side effects.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis folk remedies

People know the treatment of hyperhidrosis with the help of decoction of the bark of oak, which normalizes the work of sweat glands. For its preparation, a teaspoon of oak bark is filled with a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand. Wipe the problem areas, and you can do baths for 10 minutes for hands and feet.

A good effect with a general hyperhidrosis gives a contrast shower, and with sweating of the feet - sprinkling powder with boric acid.