16 thieves and tomboy who have become famous people

Do you think that only the best students have the road to a successful life? It was not there! Among the celebrities there are a lot of those who at school age were a loser or a hooligan.

We have collected 16 celebrities. All of them vividly demonstrate by their example that failure at school is not the end of life. Meet the heroes!

1. Albert Einstein

While studying in a Catholic gymnasium, the boy did not give a hint of a hint of his genius. He strongly lagged behind in physics and mathematics. I also argued endlessly with teachers, that's why, in part, I got bad marks. And even at the final exams, he shoved two in French. However, Albert Einstein, who had not finished school, became the author of the theory of relativity and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. This is such a life turn!

2. Salvador Dali

This boy was a real mischief. He was thrown out in 15 years for the behavior of "disagreements" from the monastic school. But it did not stop him in the future to become famous - to give the world his masterpieces.

3. Winston Churchill

The boy was a real sham. He showed off his dislike for learning from childhood. I ran away from school, flatly refused to learn. He was removed from other lagging disciples from learning the ancient Greek language and Latin. Instead, the young lord improved his native language. Maybe that's why Winston Churchill received the Nobel Prize in Literature?

4. Aristotle Onassis

This little boy was an out-and-out Loser and a truant. He was expelled several times from school. However, this did not prevent Aristotle in the future to become a billionaire.

5. Sylvester Stallone

In his youth, he was very fond of hooliganism. For such tricks had to pay a change of about 10 schools. A "crust" on the receipt of secondary education he was awarded in school for difficult adolescents. But this did not stop him from becoming a Hollywood star.

6. Bill Gates

Diligent and diligent this little boy just can not be called. Grammar was of little interest to him. But he was obsessed with computers, and often skipped classes in computer classes. Because of such tricks of Bill, his mother was summoned to the headmaster of the school indefinitely. Charter to fight the boy, the mother signed a business agreement with her son - every good estimate will be rewarded with money. Who knows, the anti-pedagogical treaty can and did contribute to the fact that later Bill Gates became the most famous entrepreneur and rich man.

7. Avril Lavigne

This fragile little girl at school behaved like a pugnacious bully-bully. Because of this, she even had to change the school. And the future singer did not show any zeal to study the school sciences. Unless only physical education lessons were to her liking.

8. Andrei Arshavin

You can not name a youngster of this type. But his character ... What to say - a real athlete! Once, for a "undeserved" 4-year-old boy ripped a class magazine. Naturally, for such lynching he was put out of school.

9. Marilyn Manson

The boy in his school years became famous for drawing not very decent pictures and selling them to his classmates. And this despite the fact that he was a student in a Christian school. For such a strange hobby the future star was kicked out of the school.

10. Nikolay Fomenko

Oh, this tomboy! How much trouble he delivered to the teachers! Kolya was sure that the 2-ki he put undeservedly - for his honesty and integrity. He did not particularly stand on ceremony with the teachers - if he was bored with any subject, he could easily gather the things among the lessons and leave. His rebellious spirit manifested itself not only in behavior, but also in appearance. Nicholas wore long hair: for this reason he was repeatedly expelled from school. And one day he almost went to the colony because of his next tricks. And who would have thought that this tomboy would become the most famous actor, showman and musician?

11. Sergey Zhigunov

Sergei was not friends with the exact sciences - he received stable grades in mathematics. He even had to go to another educational institution because of this. Yes, and with the music school, the "midshipman" somehow did not work out - many times it was deducted and again accepted.

12. Harrison Ford

He was not particularly interested in studying. The youngster was more interested in theater. In the end, the future Hollywood star was kicked out of school for failure.

13. Gerard Depardieu

This little boy in general was a juvenile criminal. At the age of 12 Gerard went on a round-the-world trip on money earned from the sale of stolen cars. Naturally, he dropped out of school.

14. Kirill Yemelyanov

This mischief has managed to burn secretaries' magazines in the director's office. He finished the school, but only externally.

15. Quentin Tarantino

His reputation, established in his school years, Quentin was obliged to laziness. Yes, the boy was incredibly lazy. He did not bother to go to school, and spent all his free time at the "blue" screen. Perhaps this fascination and helped him become the most extraordinary director of Hollywood, writer and actor.

16. Andrei Tarkovsky

First-grader Tarkovsky, just starting his studies, faced with all the horrors of the war. After all, his first call the boy heard in 1939 from Moscow Tarkovsky evacuated to the provincial town of Yurevets. A hungry terrible life began. In addition, the father left the family. What here study? Dvoechnik Tarkovsky, united with other same tomboy, was known as a stylist. The desire to dress fashionably and listen to American music is the only thing that took Andrei. As a result, Tarkovsky's certificate was decorated with deuces and triplets, only the four of them were modestly and lonely in literature.