Bream baked in the oven

Bream baked in the oven is suitable for both a festive menu and a casual table. The dish turns out to be quite useful and very nutritious. We will tell you today how to prepare bream in the oven and surprise everyone with your culinary skills.

The recipe for bream in the oven



We wash the fish, clean it, dry it with a paper towel and make a cut on the back, so that later it would be easier to remove the bone. In a bowl, mix the crushed rosemary, onion, garlic and spices. Lubricate the bream with this marinade, inside put a few circles of lemon and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. After half an hour we cover the baking sheet with parchment, sprinkle it with olive oil and lay our fish, watering it with a marinade and spreading out the branches of rosemary. The oven is heated to 220 ° C and bake bream for 15 minutes. We serve the dish hot with stewed vegetables and boiled rice or potatoes.

Bream in the oven with mushrooms



Fish for 10 minutes we dip into the water with vinegar, in order to better remove the scales. Then rip out gently the abdomen, take out the insides and thoroughly rinse the bream, removing fins and gills. Then we make cuts on the sides of the fish. Spices are mixed, crushed in a mortar and rubbing them with fish from all sides. We let her brew for an hour, and this time we'll prepare the filling for the time being. The bulb is cleaned, shredded by semirings and we pass on the vegetable oil until soft. Carrots are cleaned, rubbed on a large grater and thrown into a bow. We process the mushrooms, grind them, spread them to vegetables and fry everything, stirring, until prepared. Solim, pepper a lot to taste and fill it with fish. Then the abdomen is fixed with toothpicks, and under the gills we put lemon slices. Heat the oven to 180 ° C, lay the fish on a hot baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Then we remove the bream, cover it with mayonnaise and continue the stove for another 10 minutes.

Bream baked with potatoes



Bream wash, clean, remove the gills and cut off the head. Then rub the fish inside and outside with spices and leave to soak for a while, sprinkling with lemon juice at will. Potatoes are cleaned, cut into slices, and the onions are shredded by semirings. From sour cream and mayonnaise we make a sauce and cover them with bream on both sides. We bake a tray with vegetable oil, put the semicircles of the onion and the fish. Potatoes are salted to taste, mix with the remainder of the sauce and cover the bream on all sides. Next, pour a little filtered water and put the dish in a preheated oven. We cook the fish for about an hour on a moderate fire, and then, if desired, sprinkle with grated cheese and bring to readiness.

Bream in the oven in foil



So, we clean the fish, cut the fins and dry it on the towel. Then rub it with salt, pepper, take out the entrails and put several lemon circles and cleaned cloves of garlic into the abdomen. The outer side of the bream is greased with olive oil and spread the fish on the foil. On top put a few twigs of thyme and rosemary and wrap the foil. Preheat the oven in advance to 180 ° C and bake the dish for about 15-20 minutes, until cooked.