Uterine bleeding causes

Uterine bleeding happens every woman every month and lasts 2-7 days. Such bleeding is called menstruation. Her arrival does not bother, and sometimes pleases. But the appearance of bloody excreta nevovremya, as well as protracted and profuse menstruation should alert the woman, as the causes of uterine bleeding may threaten not only health, but life.

Uterine bleeding and childbirth

Uterine bleeding is often associated with female reproductive function. Bloody discharge can appear on any term of pregnancy. As a rule, it is an alarm signal warning of a possible miscarriage or detachment of the placenta during pregnancy . And in the first trimester, severe uterine bleeding may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, or rather, a rupture of the fallopian tube, which is extremely dangerous for a woman's life.

Abundant uterine bleeding occurs immediately after birth: after the birth of the placenta, the placental area (the wall of the uterus to which the placenta was attached) is an open wound. Nevertheless, if the uterus is well reduced, blood loss does not pose a threat to the health of the woman, the total allocation lasts no more than 4-6 weeks. But the strong uterine bleeding with clots after birth means that the contractility of the uterus is reduced. There is a danger of development of inflammatory processes, especially if the discharge stagnates in the uterine cavity, forming clots. If the uterine bleeding does not stop, a lot of blood loss, threatening health, and sometimes the life of a woman, is inevitable.

There are uterine bleeding and after abortion: the embryo, together with the fetal membranes, is rejected and, together with blood, is excreted from the woman's body. How long is the uterine bleeding in this case depends on the gestational age. In normal bleeding lasts two days, and then 10-15 days - smearing discharge. Abundant uterine bleeding after abortion indicates that parts of the fetal egg have remained in the uterine cavity and scraping is necessary.

Uterine bleeding and disease

Pathological uterine bleeding may be associated with certain diseases of the genital organs:

Important! In most cases, uterine bleeding in elderly women indicates the development of a malignant tumor.

In addition, frequent uterine bleeding can occur with diseases of the blood, endocrine glands and liver.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding causes

About dysfunctional uterine bleeding doctors say, when there are no visible reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge. For example, uterine bleeding can occur on nervous soil, after strong emotional and psychological shocks.

The causes of uterine bleeding can be: severe mental fatigue and heavy physical labor, as well as taking certain medicines (hormonal drugs, antidepressants and tranquilizers, contraceptives, including IUDs).

Prevention of uterine bleeding

Any doctor will tell you that preventing the disease is much easier than curing it. This is also true for the treatment of uterine bleeding . As a preventive measure, physicians are advised to visit their gynecologist on a regular basis and treat all the ailments discovered, to observe the rules of personal hygiene and the regime of the day, to have regular sex life with a regular partner, to give up bad habits, to eat right, to strengthen immunity and exercise .