Chronic Salpingitis

Sexual organs are a fairly vulnerable system in the body of a woman. Stress, deteriorating environmental conditions, unprotected sex, rare visits to a gynecologist often have an adverse effect on her. Under the threat is not only women's health, but also her ability to become a mother, that is, conceive and bear the child. Therefore, timely identification of the problem and adequate treatment are so important. Many of the representatives of the beautiful half of mankind face such a disease as salpingitis, that is, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, in some cases accompanied by inflammation of the ovaries. Unfortunately, this pathology is rarely detected at the acute stage of development. And this means that the majority of visitors to the offices of the women's consultation are aware of the salpingitis in chronic form. But than it is dangerous and is it possible to get rid of it?

Chronic Salpingitis: Causes

The following factors can lead to the onset of the disease:

Chronic Salpingitis: Symptoms

If the acute form of the disease is characterized by quite appreciable pain in the lower abdomen, a rise in body temperature and general malaise, then with chronic salpingitis, periodic pain sensations can occur that increase with menstruation. The menstrual cycle itself can be disturbed. Unfortunately, in most cases the disease generally does not occur asymptomatically.

The inflammatory process can begin with the mucosa of one of the tubes. If a woman complains of pain, for example, on the right side of the abdomen, she can have a chronic right-sided salpingitis. In the case of the defeat of the opposite fallopian tube, a chronic left-sided salpingitis is diagnosed. However, the most common situation is when both parts of the organ are inflamed. Quite often accompanied by chronic salpingitis and oophoritis, that is, inflammation of the ovaries, especially with untreated sexual infections.

Chronic salpingitis and pregnancy

In the chronic form of the disease from the inner layer, the inflammatory process passes to the muscular, and then to the external serous. Puff may appear in the fallopian tube, scars and adhesions are formed. Because of this, the tubular obstruction develops, which means that the chance of fertilization is reduced by half. After all, the maturation of the egg occurs alternately in different ovaries, and hence its movement along one of the tubes to the uterus is impossible. In the case of bilateral chronic salpingitis, pregnancy does not occur or is an ectopic pregnancy, which can be dangerous for a woman's life.

How to treat chronic salpingitis?

Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of inflammation and its form. So, for example, with the early treatment of the patient, anti-inflammatory drugs (lidase, vobenzym, etc.) are prescribed. In non-infective chronic salpingitis, treatment may include courses of balneo- and physiotherapy.

If the cause of inflammation is infection, first of all, the reception of antibiotics.

With chronic bilateral salpingitis, purulent and tumor-like formations in the fallopian tubes, laparoscopy is necessary - an operation in which a minimal surgical procedure is performed thanks to a puncture and a special optical device. The surgeon will, if possible, clean the affected tube from adhesions, purulent foci, restore its patency and perform sanation. If the forms of salpingitis are neglected, when the treatment no longer yields results, the affected tube is removed so that the disease is not transmitted to other organs.