How to skate?

The first skateboarders appeared in the 60s of last century. But this occupation is very popular today. First of all, because a little kind of court entertainment develops in you as much adrenaline as skating. If you have not had time to experience yourself so much pleasure, in this article we will tell you about how to skate.

Where to skate?

To take a ride on skateboard for the first time, choose the right place, where cars, passers-by, and, especially, small children will not interfere. Asphalt, where you will ride, should be clean and as level as possible. While you start, beware of even slides with a slight slope.

How to learn skateboarding or how to use a skateboard?

First, just stand on the board and feel it. Which leg will be convenient for you to put forward depends on whether you are right-handed or left-handed. To push off is accepted by that leg which is behind. But this rule is unwritten, rather a matter of aesthetics.

On the skate, first lift the leading leg and place it in the front suspension zone, then put the second on the tail of the board. The feet should be placed on the width of the shoulders, the heels - put behind the skate board. How correctly you put your feet will become clear during the movement. Then, intuitively, you will find your individual stand. Now push off and try to drive straight in a straight line. During the movement, slightly bend your knees and sprinkle. The trunk body should be kept straight. Do not be overwhelmed, otherwise you'll fall!

How to slow down on a skateboard?

There are many ways of braking. As skateboarders say, they are all produced intuitively during the skating. But here's one way for beginners: put the back foot on the toe, so that the heel is out of the tail, and click on the tail.

Tricks on a skateboard for beginners or how to jump on a skateboard?

  1. Ollie . This is a basic trick that will allow you to get up in the air without using your hands. To do this, you must sit down and jump forward. The back leg needs to be put on the tail of the board, the front leg to the middle, the first one - to press the tail, the second - to hold up the board.
  2. Nolly . Put one foot on the nose of the board, and the other - in the middle. Strike on the nose of the board - and transfer the other leg to the tail. The harder you hit, the higher you jump.
  3. Shovit . The beginning is similar to an ollie. You press a foot on a tail (click), but after that the leg should remain on a place, instead of to slide upwards on a board. When you rotate, you control the foot that you left behind.

Types of skateboards

Like all other sports equipment, skateboards are expensive (and quality) and cheap (and substandard). If you just get into taste, but you are not sure that you will be engaged in this sport for a long time, for the first time, better lend skate to one of your friends. But if you decided that your friendship with the skateboard - seriously and for a long time - then you have to buy your own board.

Since you're a beginner, do not take an expensive model, anyway, it will quickly break. Do not take also cheap and substandard - it will fall apart. Look for the best option, avoiding extremes.

For a beginner, the board will be better, because it's easier to control, and so you'll learn the tricks faster. The size of the wheels of the board should be 50-52 mm.