How to prepare for the USE?

The Unified State Exam (EGE) is not only the result of the whole period of schoolchildren's education, the verification of the level of mastering their knowledge and training skills, but, in fact, the opportunity to move to a higher level of education. Preparing for the exam, the students mobilize their will and strain the mind. Future examiners and their parents are trying to find the most effective ways how to quickly prepare for the USE.

How to properly prepare for the USE, in order to successfully pass the impending test, you will learn from the materials of the article.

How to start preparing for the USE?

Preparation for the USE includes 3 forms of work:

The actual period of preparation for the responsible exams is a year, provided that you have successfully mastered the training material throughout the training period. It is during this time that you can repeat without any special effort everything that you have been taught. To begin the training at the initial stage it is important to assess the available knowledge. To do this, you should use the USE tests for the previous academic year. For tasks that failed to be performed or in which errors were made, more attention should be given to the preparation process. Be sure to capture difficult tasks or topics for you. These records will serve as the basis for preparing a preliminary training plan. Having decided upon the terms, begin work. In parallel, it is recommended to develop speech skills so as not to be tongue-tied and correctly formulate their statements

Recommendations for the preparation for the USE

Of course, each subject has its own specifics, but the general algorithm of preparation is the same. A systematic approach to the preparation for the USE will help to successfully pass the exams, while preserving the moral and physical strength.