Monthly does not end

The obvious reason for the visit of a woman to a gynecologist may be a situation when the menstruation for a long time does not end. So, normally the duration of menstruation should not exceed 7 days. In the event that the monthly does not end and last 10-12 days, the probability of developing a gynecological disease is high.

What can prolonged menstrual flow for the female body?

Before we understand and establish why the menstruation does not last long, let's talk about how such a situation can be dangerous for a woman's health, and because of what she requires medical intervention.

So, first of all, along with blood, the body loses a large amount of such a trace element as iron, which is simply irreplaceable in the process of hematopoiesis. Against this background, a woman can develop anemia, the first signs of which girls rarely attach importance (decay, dyspnea, weakness, dizziness, etc.), writing off all this on the menstrual syndrome.

In addition, such a phenomenon, when the menstruation for a long time does not end and smear, may indicate a spontaneous abortion at a very short period of pregnancy, when the girl may yet not know about it.

Separately, it is necessary to say about uterine bleeding, which can also be masked for long periods of time. However, in this case, as the duration of menstruation increases, so does the volume of the released blood, which can not but alert.

What are the reasons for long periods?

In order to finally understand why the menstruation does not end long, it is necessary to know the reasons for the development of this phenomenon. This can be observed when:

  1. Use of intrauterine contraceptives when a woman sets a spiral. This situation arises, mainly after a short time after the procedure itself, and is associated with the reaction of the reproductive system to the appearance of a foreign body. In this case, this type of contraception can not be used by a woman.
  2. Also, quite often, menstruation does not end when taking oral contraceptives. Such a phenomenon is observed, as a rule, within 1-2 months from the moment of the beginning of the drug intake. After this time the duration of menstruation is restored.
  3. Long periods can be observed with hormonal failure, for example, or when setting a cycle for young girls. In the latter case, such phenomena are permissible for 1-1,5 years, until the cycle finally comes to normal.
  4. Disruption of the endocrine glands, in particular thyroid, may also be the cause of an increase in the duration of menstruation. That is why many doctors, when establishing what caused the disorder, prescribe a consultation of the endocrinologist.
  5. Disruption of the blood coagulation system, which is observed with a pathology such as von Willebrand's disease, can also be the cause of prolonged bleeding. The thing is that with this disease, the synthesis of platelets responsible for normal clotting is disrupted.

In addition to all of the above, prolonged periods may be a symptom of one of these gynecological disorders, such as:

How to stop the monthly if they do not end?

In such situations, the only correct solution is to consult a doctor. Self-medication with such violations can lead to disastrous consequences.

Any hemostatic drugs, such as Vikasol and Dicinon, should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor and after ultrasound.