Misoprostol analogues

Misoprostol in its structure refers to the drugs of the hormonal structure. Being a complete derivative of prostaglandin, it has the property of causing a contraction of the smooth muscle fibers of the organs, the uterus. It is with this goal that the medication is used for abortion. After use, there is an increase in the contractility of the muscle fibers, which helps to expel the embryo outward. It works in a quarter of an hour. The half-life period is only half an hour (it is excreted mainly by the kidneys).

Often, in practice, analogs of misoprostol are used, while it is a component of other drugs. Consider these.

Saitotek for early termination of pregnancy

The active ingredient is misoprostol. Like the above, Cisotek:

In comparison with Misoprostol, the effect begins after half an hour, the pronounced effect has a duration of 3 hours. Side effects include:

What is Mirolut?

0.2 mg of misoprostol is present in the formulation. Acts similar to the drugs considered. A distinctive feature is the absolute absence of influence on the action of the hormonal system, the concentration of the hormones described above. The drug facilitates the withdrawal of the contents of the uterine cavity after the performed medoborta, by stimulating contractile movements, opening the neck.

The choice of the drug, Mirolut, Misoprostol, Cisotek for the interruption of pregnancy is carried out exclusively by a doctor. The procedure is carried out in the clinic, under the supervision of highly qualified medical staff.