Design of a narrow bedroom

Not always the layout of the apartment allows her owners to carry out all their ideas. Often the wrong geometry of rooms leads to problems when arranging furniture. People differently set their cabinets, chests of drawers, sofas, beds, and the interior of the room all one has an uncomfortable appearance. Quite a frequent problem faced by new settlers is the arrangement of furniture in a narrow bedroom. For example, in the notorious Khrushchev's it has a tiny area (8-12 sq. M.), And the low ceiling adds to the situation, making the room even more uncomfortable and smaller. The design of a narrow long bedroom for the owner of such an apartment is a headache. A normal double bed here between two opposite walls you can not put, the formed passages will be extremely inconvenient. With the arrangement of the rest of the furniture, then the trouble generally happens. Therefore, some of our advice collected in this article, many people will very much come in handy.

Useful ideas for a narrow bedroom

  1. How to choose wallpaper for a narrow bedroom?
  2. The color palette plays a decisive role in making this room a little more cozy. Warm and dark wallpaper can only aggravate the situation, but the material of a light and cold shade will visually expand the area of ​​the room. If you like white wallpapers, then you should fill your bedroom with some bright details, otherwise it will become unnecessarily boring. These colored "spots" can be covered, original pillows, beautiful curtains, a night lamp, a lamp shade. Monochrome will disappear, and your interior will become much more interesting. Often a reception is used when one wall is pasted with wallpaper of a different color than the other walls. Large mirrors or glossy facades visually well expand the space. Horizontal bands are able to lengthen the short walls, the same effect is possessed by various decorative horizontal ornaments. If you make the ceiling a little darker than the walls, then it will seem to the viewer a little higher. These are all old, well-known techniques for designers, but they can improve the perception from your room.

  3. Arrangement of furniture in a narrow room.
  4. Another big problem for those who have a narrow bedroom is how to put a bed here. This furniture is the real mistress of the room, and a lot of things depend on its location. The double bed has large dimensions and is best when there are at least 70 cm passages left on both sides. In this case you will get a comfortable sleeping area. But if there are plans to place in the room and the rest of the furniture (dressing table, cabinet, desk), then this layout may not be suitable. In that case, take measurements and try to put the bed across the bedroom. The size of the room may not allow you to leave both passes to the bed on either side, one of the spouses will each time climb to its place, but there is no way out, and we have to sacrifice something. Well in a small room helps hanging furniture, shelves, ceiling bedside lamps. The same TV is better to hang on the wall, using the bracket, and not buy for him a special cabinet.

  5. Design of a narrow bedroom with a balcony.
  6. Modern methods of warming the loggias and balconies allow the owners of the apartments to make revolutionary actions by arranging functional zones in this part of the apartment. They will serve as a continuation of the bedroom, in which it is easy to arrange a study, a dressing room, a soft corner, a closet, even a mini-dining room. It is clear that you will in any case have to set the bed so that there is free access to the balcony. All the aisles should be as wide as possible comfortable, as far as the size of the bed and your narrow bedroom allows.

  7. Styles that are most suitable for a long bedroom: