A simple cake recipe - the best ways to prepare a holiday cake

A simple cake recipe will help to make fragrant festive pastries without hassle. The simplest home cookie will be much tastier than the store. There are a great many recipes for Easter baking, followed by the most interesting of them, accessible and simple.

How tasty and easy to cook Easter cake?

It is believed that the kiln oven is difficult, because many do not even try to try. In fact, everything is not so scary, following the recommendations below, everyone can cook a simple dough for cakes and make the most delicious Easter bakery.

  1. Each simple cake recipe implies the use of sifted flour of the highest grade.
  2. It is important to remember that all components for the test should be at room temperature.
  3. The dough fits in a warm place, if the room is cool, the dough can be placed in a container with warm water.

The easiest recipe for a cake with dry yeast

A simple cake with dry yeast is prepared simply, but it turns out to be appetizing and fragrant. The dough on dry yeast rises well, because molds need to be filled approximately 1/3. To shorten the lifting time, the molds can be placed in an oven with a temperature of 70-80 degrees, and then increase it to 200 degrees.



  1. In warm milk put yeast, eggs, sugar, salt, vanillin, pour in a portion of the flour, knead it.
  2. Introduce the oil, pour out the rest of the flour, mix and leave for an hour.
  3. When the most simple dough for cakes is suitable, knead it, distribute it in molds, leave it for half an hour and bake at 200 degrees.

Simple cake

A simple dough for cakes is prepared with dry and fresh yeast. Many people like the second option more. First, it is recommended to cook the spoon, it is believed that in this case, the dough will come up faster and better. Together with the raisins in the dough, you can add sliced ​​dried apricots and candied fruits.



  1. In warm milk yeast is crushed, add 20 g of sugar.
  2. Eggs are ground with sugar, oil, vanilla and nutmeg.
  3. The resulting mixture is combined with an opaque.
  4. Add raisins and flour.
  5. Spread the dough into molds, filling them with 1/3, and leave the hours for 2-3.
  6. Bake cakes in a preheated oven.

A simple recipe for Easter cake with raisins

A simple recipe for cake with raisins , presented below, will help to prepare aromatic, delicate and even slightly moist pastries. Often happens, that kulichi leave dryish, in this case such problem precisely will not arise. The recipe uses any sweet yogurt - vanilla or with fillers.



  1. Grow yeast in warm milk, pour 100 g of sugar, 70 g of flour and stir.
  2. They leave the glow in the heat.
  3. Eggs are beaten with the rest of the sugar, add yoghurt, butter, vanilla sugar and raisins.
  4. Introduce the resulting mass into a container with an opaque, stir, add flour.
  5. Leave the dough to go.
  6. After lifting it is laid out on the molds, and after the dough is suitable, bake cakes.

Kulich on kefir - a simple recipe

A simple cake on kefir turns out to be especially tasty, soft and gentle. For yeast to become more active, kefir for gums should be slightly warmed up. Instead of dry yeast, you can use fresh yeast, but you need to take about 2 times more. In this case, fresh yeast will need about 50 g.



  1. Kefir is mixed with sugar, yeast, 50 g of flour is added, mixed and left for 20 minutes.
  2. Pour oil, put salt, flour, stir and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Stir in the raisins.
  4. Distribute the dough by forms, leave for lifting, and then bake.

A simple recipe for the monastic Easter cake

A simple cake made according to the monastic recipe is especially tasty. The secret is that, along with the usual ingredients, dough is also put in the dough. The dough does not turn out to be too sweet, therefore, if desired, the amount of sugar can be increased, and you can add raisins more.



  1. Mix the milk with warm water, add the yeast.
  2. Eggs beat with sugar, add vanillin, salt, oil.
  3. Mix both masses, add raisins, add flour, mango, mix and remove in heat for 2 hours.
  4. Place the dough in oiled form.
  5. When it increases by a factor of 2, bake cakes at 190 degrees.

Simple recipe for cake on margarine

A simple and delicious cake is obtained on margarine, cream and sour cream. About such baking they say that it is "wet", so everyone who loves just such cakes, it is necessary to try to cook them according to this recipe. In addition to raisins and chopped dried apricots in the dough, you can also add candied fruits.



  1. Melt margarine, pour in cream, butter, sour cream, drive in eggs, put salt, sugar and mix.
  2. The resulting mass is slightly warmed up, yeast is added, flour is added, raisins, dried apricots are added.
  3. The forms are filled with the dough when it is increased by a factor of 2, the molds are sent to the oven and the most simple cake at 180 degrees is baked.

A simple cake recipe for sour cream

The easiest cake recipe, presented below, will help to prepare aromatic Easter buns even for those who do it for the first time. Sour cream is better to use home, if this is not, you can take and store product, only you need to choose that the percentage of fat content was not less than 20.



  1. In warm milk add yeast and 20 grams of sugar.
  2. Pour 200 g of flour, mix.
  3. Eggs are beaten with sugar, add the mixture to the spoon.
  4. There, add oil, sour cream, pour in flour and knead the dough.
  5. After lifting it is kneaded, the raisins are put in, they are laid out on the molds.
  6. They put them to proofing for 30 minutes, and then bake.

Simple recipe curd cake

A simple cake recipe, presented below, allows you to prepare soft and delicate pastry based on cottage cheese. The best for these purposes is cottage cheese 18% fat. Butter into the dough does not interfere with the melted, but soft, for this the product needs to be got from the refrigerator and left for a couple of hours on the table.



  1. In milk, dissolve the yeast, put 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour, stir and remove into heat.
  2. In the bowl of the mixer place 2 eggs, 1 yolk, sugar and whisk.
  3. Add cottage cheese, butter, salt and vanilla sugar, pour in the spit.
  4. Sprinkle flour, raisins, candied fruits and mix again.
  5. The forms are lubricated with oil, they are filled with half the dough and leave for 2-3 hours.
  6. When the dough is suitable, bake a simple curd cake at 200 degrees until cooked.

A simple cake recipe for sourdough

A simple recipe for a yeast-free cake will make it possible to enjoy fragrant baking even for those who for some reason can not eat products made from yeast dough. To a simple cake without yeast turned soft, you need to knead the dough properly, after that it should come at least 2 times.



  1. In a bowl, combine warm milk, salt, sugar, eggs.
  2. Add the starter, add flour, add raisins and knead the dough.
  3. When it comes up, put it into shapes and leave it for 2 hours.
  4. Bake cakes until cooked.

Simple cake in the bread maker

The easiest Easter cake recipe, presented below, is prepared using a bread maker. This device greatly simplifies the whole process, from batch to baking directly. You just need to load all the necessary products into the container and follow the step-by-step instructions.



  1. All products are placed in the bowl of the device.
  2. Turn on the "Dough" mode for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  3. Set the "Bake" program and set the time to 1 hour.

Kulich in the multivarque - a simple recipe

A simple Easter cake recipe, presented below, will help to prepare this traditional pastry even without using an oven. The owners of these modern devices already know that everything is delicious in them. Kulich in the multivark is great, tall, soft and very tasty.



  1. In warm milk, yeast is diluted, add 60 g of flour, 10 g of sugar.
  2. Eggs are ground with sugar.
  3. Combine both masses, add salt, vanillin, flour, butter.
  4. When the dough comes up, they add raisins to it.
  5. Place the dough in a multivar capacity, in the "Heating" mode, give the test to go up to 2 times.
  6. Bake a simple cake in the multivark in the "Baking" mode for 100 minutes.