How to pickle pink salmon roe?

If you happen to be lucky, and roasted caviar in pink salmon, and you do not know how to properly saline it, then this article is exactly what you need. Below we will describe in detail all the nuances of correct preliminary preparation of pink salmon roe, as well as its salting and further storage .

How to pickle pink salmon caviar at home - recipe



When picking pink salmon, be sure to make sure that the knife used for this purpose is sharp. Very gently cut his abdomen, trying not to thrust the point too deep to damage the interior and spawn, if, of course, it is in the fish.

If you are really lucky, and you found two necks (film sac, in which caviar is found) at the dissection of the abdomen, then carefully remove them on the plate, so as not to damage. In violation of the integrity of the film we try not to allow the eggs to contact fresh water, otherwise they will become excessively hard.

In order to extract the eggs from the yastows after the evisceration of the fish, one can use a grid with a size of holes exceeding the size of the eggs at least three times. Very often for this purpose, use the usual racket for badminton, gently pushing on it with bags and squeezing eggs. If there is none, you can just carefully open the film and scrape the caviar, but it will take much longer.

Now proceed directly to the very saline caviar. To do this, pour the required amount of filtered water in a ladle or a small saucepan and start adding portions of non-iodized large salt to get the so-called brine. Determine the desired concentration of salt in the water, you can drop a raw egg or potatoes into the container and if the object starts to float, you do not need to add more salt.

Sugar can be optionally added to the brine, if you do not expect long-term storage of caviar. In the prepared brine we lower the extracted eggs and hold them for eight to ten minutes, then we throw it back in a colander, let it drain for two hours, and then transfer it to a glass jar. Add the refined oil and gently mix to maintain the integrity of the eggs.