Symbols of Christmas

The Nativity of Christ is the greatest holiday, it is distinguished by merry festivities, glorifying hymns, and beautiful wishes. Like any other holiday, Christmas is accompanied and defined by the appropriate symbolism. In this article we will look at the differences between the symbols of Christmas in Russia and England.

The main difference between the celebration of Christmas between Russia and England is that Russia celebrates Christmas on the New Julian calendar - January 7, and England on the Gregorian calendar on - Dec. 25.

Symbols of Christmas in Russia

Consider the main symbols of Christmas in Russia , unlike England, they are relatively smaller. The most important symbol of the Nativity of Christ is the star, who notified the Magi about the birth of the baby and brought them to him. Experienced experts claim that Halley's comet, flying across the sky that night, could be that very Bethlehem star. That's why the Star of Bethlehem is one of the main symbols of Christmas.

Another no less important symbol of the Nativity of Christ both in Russia and in England is the Christmas tree. Why is it just a Christmas tree? And because, according to the scriptures, the night of the birth of Jesus, the king of Judah was ordered to drop all the babies that were born that night. And the entrance to the cave in which Jesus was born was covered with spruce branches for the purposes of camouflage.

Symbols of Christmas in England

The symbols of Christmas in Russia are also symbols of Christmas in England. There are other equally important, for example, Advent - calendars. Advent is a post that precedes Christmas, it starts 4 weeks before the holiday. It looks like a calendar for 24 days. Each day is hidden behind small doors that can be opened in strict order on the onset of the date. Behind these doors is a Christmas picture or a poem about Christmas.

Another symbol of Christmas Christ in England are stockings on the fireplace. According to legend, Santa, who flew across the sky dropped a couple of coins that flew through the chimney directly into the stocking that hung on the fireplace panel. Therefore, every Christmas on the fireplace hanging stockings, which in the morning find gifts.

The most important and unifying factor, despite the difference in territorial location, features of faith and confessions is that Christmas promotes the unification of family and kinship ties. It is at such moments that we are truly happy.