Poltergeist - who is poltergeist, how dangerous he is and how to get rid of it?

Many people claim that they were in contact with otherworldly forces. There is a huge amount of evidence about the manifestation of poltergeist, but scientists have not yet been able to find this real explanation. There are different rituals aimed at attracting and getting rid of essences.

What is poltergeist?

One of the most incomprehensible phenomena in the field of paranormal phenomena is called a poltergeist. Among people it is called a barabash or a brownie. From German, this word translates as "a loud ghost." Poltergeist is a spirit-ghost that manifests itself in various noises, smells, movement of objects and so on. There are good and evil entities that can survive a person from home.

Is there a poltergeist?

Since the end of the 19th century, scientists are trying to prove or refute the existence of paranormal phenomena. There are many versions on this topic, but to a consensus they have not yet come.

  1. Well-known professor W. Roll argued that a poltergeist exists only in the imagination of a person with unstable psyche.
  2. In 2004, there was a tsunami in Thailand, in which many people died. At this time, a huge number of cases of manifestation of poltergeist was recorded.
  3. Learning who such poltergeist and what he is dangerous, engaged in the French philosopher L. D. Rivel. He came to the conclusion that the manifestation of otherworldly forces is associated with the interaction of a low-level spirit with human energy.

What does a poltergeist look like?

Studies of the phenomenon have been going on for more than a decade, but still no one has been able to capture it to describe in detail. The concept of a poltergeist implies that it is an entity whose purpose is to harm and frighten others. Some people say that they saw smoke or shadows, and many describe a small person or animal whose body is covered with wool. There is some sort of poltergeist classification:

  1. Stormy . The spirit is active and people notice that things are disappearing, steps and noise are heard, equipment is often broken, pipes burst and other problems arise. Activity can last 2-3 months.
  2. Sluggish . Among other options stands out for its duration, so inexplicable phenomena can be observed for 10 years.
  3. Imaginary . In this case, it is said that the whole fault is the essence that lives in the mind of a person.

Signs of a poltergeist in the apartment

The stories of people concerning the otherworldly forces are different, but one can identify frequently encountered signs.

  1. The feeling that someone is watching and watching. Many people constantly feel inexplicable discomfort.
  2. Signs of a poltergeist include a frequent change of mood, as about 90% of people feel otherworldly entities at the subconscious level. Daily contact with the barrel can affect the emotional state of a person.
  3. People who have settled in the house are often sick, and their general well-being worsens, and doctors in most cases can not diagnose. Still there are problems with a dream.
  4. If there is a poltergeist in the house, the temperature can change abruptly in the room, and the person then gets cold, then it gets hot hot.
  5. There may be strange smells, which can be either sharp or subtle.
  6. The most common sign, the presence of the barrel - strange sounds. People can hear ringing, crackling, whispering, creaking and so on. So the evil spirit either wants to come into contact, or wants to scare.

What is a poltergeist different from a ghost?

There are many otherworldly entities that can contact man. Poltergeist and ghosts , the difference between which is essential, are studied by science. If the first term is already understood, then phantoms or ghosts, which are manifested in the image of a person, are understood as phantoms. A clear distinctive feature is that ghosts manifest themselves before those people with whom they were closely connected in their real life. Poltergeist can appear in the home of any person, and he is able to interact with the material world.

How to trigger a poltergeist?

Conducting rituals to attract evil forces is recommended only to people practicing magic, otherwise negative consequences may occur. Call poltergeist should not be for the sake of joking and do it mostly to establish contact with otherworldly spirits or to get help. During the ritual, it is best to use the name "Master", which will be a sign of respect. If you are interested in how to trigger a poltergeist at home, then choose a simple rite:

  1. Do everything at night, in the empty and darkest room in the far corner near the battery, because the poltergeist loves the heat and is frightened of free space.
  2. It is recommended before the ritual to turn off electrical appliances, so that nothing interferes and does not create interference.
  3. In a corner put a treat, for example, sweets and say three times: "Greetings, Master! Come for a treat! ". After that, you need to turn off the light and sit in the corner and listen to the sounds.
  4. If the drum is set up poorly, you will hear noise, the sound of broken dishes and other loud sounds. In a situation where a poltergeist is kind and wants to make a relationship, there will be a rustling or purring. Be sure to thank him for coming and expressing your desire to be friends with him.

How to get rid of a poltergeist?

Since ancient times people have made various attempts to clean the house of evil. Among the common options - the coiling of the barrel, so on the table you need to leave some food. Herbalists recommend sprinkling the house with tincture of serpentine, St. John's wort or wormwood. For those who are interested in how to deal with the poltergeist at home, the next rite will do.

  1. It is necessary to spend it on the waning moon on Wednesday at sunset, all alone. Prepare an equal number of laurel leaves, yarrow, St. John's wort, angelica, basil and juniper berries.
  2. In all rooms (including non-residential premises), light three candles of white color and in the center on the floor, place on a slice of garlic.
  3. Plants need to be grinded in a mortar, pour into a container of refractory clay and set it on fire. From the cup should start to emit smoke.
  4. Take the steaming pot, add a little incense and go through it in all rooms, moving counter-clockwise. During this it is necessary to repeat the plot.
  5. After that, put more incense in the bowl and put it on the brazier on the floor in the center of the house. Leave the house for 13 minutes, and then, remove the garlic with a broom and scoop, put it in a bag, pour the burnt grasses there and throw it away. Candles should completely burn out.

Poltergeist - evidence and facts

There are many cases of manifestation of evil forces in history, and the most famous are the following.

  1. The most famous case of a poltergeist was recorded between August 1977 and the fall of 1978. There were strange sounds, moving furniture and even flying objects. In addition, it was possible to record the voice of the old man, whom the girl spoke 11 years old, and she was considered possessed.
  2. The real cases of poltergeist include the story that took place in the city of Rosenheim. After the girl Anne-Marie Schneider got a job in a law firm, strange things began to happen to her: the technician did not work, there were noises, things moved and so on. The case attracted the public.

Prayer from the poltergeist

To protect yourself from evil, you can turn to the Higher Powers for help. Do not look for what is associated with Orthodoxy and poltergeist, because in religion there are no classifications of otherworldly phenomena, and all this is attributed to demonism. There is a strong and effective prayer against the enemies, which will be effective when the barrel is developed. To clean the space, you need to get rid of all objects related to magic, go to confession and consecrate the house. After this, you need to read the prayer every morning, sprinkling the corners of the house with holy water .

Cinema about a poltergeist

The most famous artwork on the screen is Poltergeist. It tells the story of a family that, after moving to a new house, notices various manifestations of paranormal phenomena. The family fully learns what the poltergeist can do, as people see how things move, hear strange sounds and so on. As a result, ghosts take the younger daughter of the family. They summoned specialists who are trying to clean the house of the otherworldly forces.

The most popular movies about poltergeist:

  1. "Paranormal phenomenon" - dir. Oren Peli, 2009, the USA.
  2. "The Horror of Amityville" - dir. Andrew Douglas, 2005, USA.
  3. "Astral" - dir. James Wang, 2010, the United States.
  4. "Spell" - dir. James Wang, 2013, the United States.
  5. "Ghost" - dir. Jerry Zucker, 1990, USA.