Infusion therapy

The procedure, which is known to everyone as a dropper, is correctly called infusion therapy. This method is based on the introduction of drugs in the form of solutions directly into the bloodstream, through the veins, used to treat various toxic poisoning, replenishment of fluid loss in the body.

Infusion detoxification therapy

This type of procedure is designed to remove the symptoms of poisoning and restore the rheological properties of blood, acid-base balance.

As a rule, sorbents are used for intravenous administration:

Saline solutions for infusion therapy in the base are sodium or sodium chloride, since this component is the electrolyte contained in the maximum amount in the intercellular space of the human body. In addition, calcium, magnesium, and potassium salts are found in the formulation.

An excellent way to eliminate symptoms, prevent severe damage to the liver and vascular bed during alcohol intoxication is the infusion therapy with drugs that produce sorption. To quickly remove from the body of toxic products of the decomposition of ethanol, it is also recommended to inject glucose, saline, hepatoprotectors and diuretic drugs in parallel.

Infusion therapy for pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is always accompanied by lesions liver, and hence intoxication. Therefore, the main principles of therapy through infusions are the intravenous administration of rheological solutions (Refortan, Heparin, Reopoliglyukin), crystalloid and colloidal salt preparations.

Detoxification is indicated for severe illness or exacerbation of pancreatitis . It is important to control the volume of circulating blood and the amount of urine released.

Infusomats for infusion therapy

Special devices intended for the precise dosing of medications introduced into the bloodstream are called infusomats. They are designed on the basis of a pump, which is controlled by electronics.

The described device greatly facilitates the work of the attending physician, as it provides convenient monitoring, as well as the maximum level of safety and accuracy of therapy.