Esoterics and self-knowledge

Esoterics and self-knowledge are directly related to each other. It is believed that without deep introspection, a person can not live happily. Esotericism is the combined name of many directions, the study of which allows everyone to better understand themselves, revealing their potential and increasing opportunities. This process is not easy, but moving, step by step, you can achieve the result.

Esoterics and self-knowledge - why draws to magic?

Many believe that esotericism is magic or vice versa. This is most likely due to the fact that magic also allows a person to develop his abilities and understand himself and his powers. Meditation, visualization and other currents are common touch points between magic , self-knowledge and esotericism.

Esoterics and self-knowledge are the way to oneself, because you can not only acquire knowledge about your inner world, but also soberly assess your needs, motives, feelings, goals, etc. It is through studying the directions of esotericism that one can achieve personal and spiritual growth. Various esoteric knowledge, for example, physiognomy , conscious dreams and palmistry, give each person the opportunity to conduct self-diagnostics to determine their own pros and cons. Thanks to this, you can look at the world around in a new way, opening up previously unknown and invisible edges. All this makes a person smarter, more open, receptive to new knowledge and happier. Esoteric practices allow a person to learn, not to focus attention on material goods.

To date, you can find a huge number of trainings and special books on esotericism, which allow us to discover new horizons in self-knowledge. Choose for yourself the most interesting sphere - and forward to perfection.