Can I learn hypnosis on my own?

Hypnosis is the altered state of consciousness caused by the influence of the operator. In this state, the hypnotized is extremely suggestive, which opens great prospects for clinical activity, although it is impossible to exclude unscrupulous hypnotists who use their ability for mercenary purposes. But we are not interested in the ethical side of the question, but can we learn hypnosis and how to master this skill yourself. Judging by the ads of the disagreeable "gurus", you can master anything: at least hypnosis , even the call of a manual dragon. But, maybe, not all of their words deserve mistrust, let's figure it out.

Can I learn hypnosis on my own?

Trance states are known to mankind for a very long time, but science turned its view towards hypnosis only in the 18th century. Then the scientists noticed that it is easier to subject a person to suggestion if you place a small shiny object or a mirror on the level of his nose. Focusing on one point allows you to quickly immerse a person in a trance. The first researchers were inclined to answer the question whether it is possible to learn hypnosis on their own, negatively. This was due to the mystical aura enveloping the phenomenon, which made one think about the necessity of having an innate gift. But a number of tests proved the possibility of acquiring the necessary skills in the training process. So independent learning hypnosis is quite possible, however, you will need to get a partner inspired by the person, otherwise the result of training will not be tracked.

How to learn hypnosis on your own?

Before starting to master the various techniques of immersion in trance, it is necessary to develop self-confidence, because the hypnotist should be able to inspire respect in one of its kind. It is also important to put a voice, your speech should be clear, coherent and convincing, you must avoid excessive aggressiveness and crying intonations. Look for the right tempo, all orders should be pronounced in a smooth, calm pace, the volume of the voice should be comfortable, so that the speech seemed confident, but soft. After acquiring the necessary qualities, you can think about how to learn hypnosis yourself.

There are several ways to hypnotize the interlocutor, let's get acquainted with the three most simple of them.

  1. Sit your partner in the armchair opposite so that your eyes are located above the level of his face. Take his hand and ask him to look you in the eye. Order him to relax and within 5 minutes do not look away from his nose bridge. Then say: "You are relaxed, tired and want to sleep. Do not resist, now you will fall asleep for a few minutes. When you wake up, feel a surge of strength. " You can come up with your own speech formula with the same meaning. Next, you need to remove your hands from your partner, stand behind him and ask to close your eyes. Hold a palm next to his face, as if you help him lower his eyelids. After 5 minutes, say several times: "You sleep!".
  2. The oldest method with the use of a brilliant object is working today. Take a mirror, a smooth locket on the chain or a chrome ball. Arrange the object at the level of the nose of the hypnotized one and ask him to look at the shining point. After some time, the desired effect will be achieved.
  3. In this case, a technique is also used that forces a person to concentrate on one point. Place your hand just above the eye of a seated person and ask him to look at the center of the open palm, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts. After about 5 minutes of waiting, the hypnotized person will enter the desired state, and it will be possible to apply the following formulas of suggestion. "Now you fall asleep and will hear only me, every minute you want to sleep more and more, you are not able to resist this desire. I'll count to ten, and you'll sleep soundly. " After that, start counting, pronouncing the stages of immersion in sleep: once - your eyelids get heavy, two - you hear only my voice, three - you want to sleep more and more, etc.

The effect will be better if the session is conducted in a relaxed atmosphere (muffled light, easy quiet music, pleasant unobtrusive aroma). Do not forget to establish contact with a partner, help him relax, calm words and do not ask unpleasant questions until you hypnotize him.