Preparations of magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most necessary microelements for the body. Daily in the body should come from 350 to 450 mg. You can eat foods that have magnesium or go to the pharmacy and buy magnesium preparations there.

What is magnesium used for?

  1. Positively affects the cells, promotes their growth and participates in the transfer of genetic information.
  2. Participates in the formation of bone tissue.
  3. Affects the central nervous system, helps to be less susceptible to various stresses.
  4. Participates in all metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Activates the effect of amino acids.
  6. It interacts with other microelements and helps them to be better absorbed, for example, with calcium.
  7. Affects the work of the heart, stabilizes the heart rate and blood pressure.
  8. Prevents the appearance of cramps and spasms.

Preparations containing magnesium help prevent the occurrence of serious diseases. Today in pharmacology, much attention is paid to such drugs, since the deficiency of this microelement, can lead to huge problems. The best magnesium preparations have in their composition vitamin B6, which also participates in a large number of processes in the human body and improves the rate of absorption of magnesium itself. On the other hand, magnesium activates the work of B6 in the liver, in general, they have a positive effect on each other. Drugs with magnesium and vitamin B6 for the treatment of the heart are widely used. It helps in the treatment of such diseases: arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, angina pectoris and heart failure.

Magnesium deficiency

If your body lacks this microelement, then you may have such symptoms:

The best magnesium preparations

  1. Magnesium sulfate . It is recommended to use it to relieve spasms, hypertensive crises and to lower blood pressure. It can be purchased as a powder and taken orally, or in ampoules for intramuscular injection. Side effect may be a violation of breathing.
  2. Magnesium oxide . Used to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, so it is recommended to use for gastritis and ulcers, as well as a laxative. It can be purchased in the form of powder and in tablets. If you chose the second option, it is best to crush the tablet before use.
  3. Magne B6 . This drug should be consumed in the presence of magnesium deficiency. It is not recommended to use it for kidney disease, as well as for allergies. You can buy them in the form of tablets. This magnesium preparation is recommended for children. Such a drug will help improve the attention of the child and his sleep, as well as he will begin to behave much calmer. Just do not overdo it in order not to harm the child.

Which drug magnesium is better for you specifically to determine the doctor. Consider some drugs for the content of magnesium and the presence of vitamin B6.

Name of the drug Magnesium, mg Vitamin B6, mg
Aspark 14 no
Magnelis-B6 98 5
Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + Potassium 300 4
Magnesium plus 88 2
Magne B6 FORTE 100 10

Finally consider the preparation of magnesium, which is recommended for use in pregnancy, oddly enough, but the best is Magnesium B6. In this position, the amount of the necessary trace element must be increased 3 times. Before choosing a drug with magnesium, consult a doctor.