Salad with prunes and chicken

Salads are a dynamic dish, its recipe can be invented or changed during cooking. The composition of the ingredients can be very diverse, you can even assemble a salad from a limited set of products of an almost empty refrigerator.

Depending on the ingredients, salads are divided into meat, fish, vegetable, green, mushroom and fruit.

A bouquet of lettuce is determined not only by the main ingredients from which it is cooked, but also by the flavor of the dressing or the sauce. Refuellings are sharp, spicy, sweet and sour. For a salad take some vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn, sesame, etc.), sour cream, cream, yogurt, mayonnaise or tomato paste. Mandatory salad dressings are added seasonings and spices, they add a new flavor to the dish.

Salads with high calorie content are pre-seasoned, and the vitamin sauce is placed in a separate bowl.

It is very important to use only fresh, quality products for dishes. During cooking, do not forget about the cleanliness of the workplace. All the vegetables before cooking are diligently washed under running water with a special brush. Let's look at a few recipes of chicken salad with prunes.

Salad of chicken, prunes and walnuts



Cook in salted water chicken fillet, separately cook eggs. Chilled chicken meat is cut into small pieces. Eggs are separated from the yolks of proteins and rubbed on a small grater in a different dish. Nuts are crushed in a blender, finely cut prunes. Cheese is crumbled on a fine grater. Lay out the salad on the cooked dish. To do this, at the bottom of the plate first lay out the pieces of fillet, salt, water mayonnaise. On the fillet finely pour yolks, gently lubricate mayonnaise. Further layers of prunes, cheese, nuts, proteins. Each layer alternates with mayonnaise. On the uppermost layer of proteins, we depict the decoration from the bright color of vegetables and greens.

Similar puffed salads with chicken need to stand in the finished form for about 1-2 hours for better impregnation.

Cucumber and prune salad with chicken



Chicken, peeled potatoes and pickled cucumbers cut into cubes. We shoot eggs and prunes. All components of the salad are combined, mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise. We decorate the green onions with feathers.

Salad with prunes, chicken and mushrooms



Boil in the vegetable broth chicken. Separately cook eggs and potatoes. Champignons fry together with finely chopped onions. All the ingredients of the salad are finely chopped and laid on the festive plate in layers. Each layer is thinly oiled with mayonnaise. We decorate and serve.

Salads from the components of the tender structure do not mix, but very gently shaken, so that the dish does not lose its external appeal and does not turn into a solid mess. As seasonings and spices stimulate the release of juices from the products, salt and season salad with champignons, prunes and chicken, before placing them on the table.