Braised Cod with Vegetables

Cod is a very useful and dietary product that positively affects human health. The vitamin B12 contained in it has a great effect on blood circulation, and vitamin B6 strengthens the nervous system. Let's consider with you how to cook cod with vegetables. And the garnish for this dish is best served with zucchini and boiled potatoes .

Cod Recipe with Vegetables



Let's figure out how to put out the cod with vegetables. We take fish, we cut on fillets and cut each into small portions, or we cook cod with steaks. Then we prepare the vegetables: we clean them, shred straw and put them into a saucepan with heated pork fat.

Now pour in a little water and stew for about 5 minutes. We pour fish down, place on top of vegetables, season with salt, white sauce , pepper and cook, stirring occasionally for 25 minutes on low heat with the lid closed. Before serving, put the cod on the dish, pour the marinade and serve along with the stewed vegetables in a hot form.

The recipe for cooking cod with vegetables



First we prepare all the ingredients. To do this, squash and carrots are peeled, the sweet Bulgarian pepper is washed and processed from seeds and stems. Now cut the vegetables in small pieces and set aside. Lime is washed, wiped towel and cut into small slices. We process the fish, cut the steaks or fillets portionwise, salt to taste and crumble in wheat flour. If desired, you can add any dried aromatic herbs to your taste.

Next, we heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry the fish from both sides to a ruddy crust. In the other frying pan, pass the vegetables lightly, salt to taste. Now shift the fish to vegetables, pour a little water and stew for 5 minutes until completely ready. We put the ready fish into plates and serve a slice of lime for each serving. That's all, a wonderful dinner of cod with vegetables is ready!