Selena Gomez for GQ magazine: an interesting interview and a candid photo shoot

The 23-year-old singer, actress and philanthropist Selena Gomez experienced a lot in her life, but the worst thing, according to the singer, is lupus. About this disease, Selena does not like to talk, but GQ magazine was lucky to learn some details of the treatment of this ailment.

Interview with GQ gloss

Selena started her little story about memories from her childhood: "Many people often ask me questions about how I grew up. Just want to say that I'm not going to talk about what I'm poor and unhappy, and I did not have a normal childhood. I just do not have the opportunity to do this. If I had been sorry for myself all the time, I would not have achieved everything that I have now. "

Further the singer has told about the most difficult period in the life - treatment from a lupus. "When I was given this terrible diagnosis, it seemed to me that all the good things in my life were over. However, after the emotional shock, it was necessary to begin to fight the disease. I had to undergo a course of chemotherapy 2 times, one did not help much, and I was terribly upset. In addition, it was then that gossip began to appear in the press, that I was lying in the clinic and being treated for alcoholism and drug addiction, "Gomez began her story. "One day, when I was in the intensive care unit and treated there, I saw a boy in the hospital. He avoided me and was afraid to look in my direction. Then I asked him to ask me any question, the answer to which he is interested. The boy asked: "Have you experienced a disease from which I am being treated?". My answer was simple: "I have lupus." After these words, the boy for the first time, without hesitation, looked at me, "- Selena finished her interview.

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A candid photo shoot for GQ

In addition to a short story of the singer, readers of the magazine will be able to see photos of Gomez's candid photosession. The shooting took place both indoors and outdoors. Before the readers the singer will appear topless, in a bathing suit, dress, shorts and short topics, etc. The first pictures from this entertaining photo shoot have already appeared on the Internet, and the picture where the singer poses in some shorts, published by her in Instagram, has collected more than 20,000 likes in a day.