Elton John spoke about the situation of representatives of the LGBT community in the modern world

The Contact Music website hosted an interview with Elton John about non-traditional orientations and their position in society.

The artist admitted that the perception of people who belong to the category of LGBT has shifted in a positive direction, but straight people are increasingly showing tolerance, but should simply accept gay and lesbian people as they are.

Asked which is the most acute problem faced by gays in the West, Sir Elton John replied that this is a shame. According to the musician and composer, at least half of the students who identify themselves with the LGBT are experiencing persecution and bullying while studying. Many of them mutilate themselves. Statistics on transsexuals depress - about 40% of boys and girls who dream of sex change, at least once attempt suicide. This is important to bear in mind, since even in the West, in the twenty-first century, the recognition of their unconventional sexual attachments is a serious deed that has negative consequences. "Gay" is a brand for life, which creates problems in a career and relationships with others.

A light in the end of a tunnel?

The famous vocalist admitted that for today positive changes in the society are already noticeable. For example, gays increasingly find their halves and create families, lesbian girls can look feminine and well-groomed. They do not need to be brutal in defending their right to privacy.

The gays had the opportunity to formally formalize relations and even have children. In connection with a more relaxed attitude towards LGBT people, many celebrities make a camping out.

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Summarizing the above, Sir John observed that it is wrong to shame gays, blame and condemnation deserve homophobia.