Melania Trump: "5 rules of healthy eating"

As you know, the wife of the American president in the past model, but today, many years after the end of her career, Melania Trump looks stunning. The public now and then discusses her new images and a healthy complexion. Especially picky connoisseurs of beauty look at all the little things, but Melania does not give cause for criticism - in its outward appearance everything is harmonious. At 47, she can boast of an impeccable figure, a refined style in clothes and even the tone of the first lady's hair is always ideal. Everyone knows that with the years the ideal proportions are more and more difficult to observe, and with its growth of 180 sentiments, Melania weighs 56 kg, how does she manage it?

Despite the fact that Melanya herself admits that she is not a fan of sports, everyone is confident, this form is difficult to maintain at all without training. Details of the personal regime of the first lady were not disclosed, but it is known that Melania is engaged in pilates, who helped her in the shortest possible time to come into shape after giving birth, and also adheres to several rules in the food system.

Breakfast should be useful

However strange it may sound, the breakfast of the first lady of the US is not much different from the breakfast of anyone watching the health of an ordinary inhabitant of the planet. Most often it is oatmeal, rich in fiber and providing the body with energy throughout the day, or smoothies with all its useful microelements and vitamins.

"Fruit Goals" system

The woman needs vitamins of beauty, and they are contained, in particular, in fresh fruits and vegetables, and Melania knows this very well. That is why for many years, since the beginning of her modeling career, she adheres to FruitGoals, a system that sets a certain amount of fruits and vegetables for daily consumption. You can eat not only vegetables or fruits, but also mix them, the main thing is that in total you get seven. For example, two fruits and five vegetables.

Water is the basis of everything

All models of the world know, water is one of the most important factors of beauty. You yourself could repeatedly see on the fashion shows a bottle of water from the beauties in their hands. This simple habit will bring amazing results!

Minimum sugar

Melania refused harmful delicacies and sweet desserts. But still can sometimes afford a piece of chocolate, because sometimes you need to please yourself. And the "unhealthy" sweets she simply replaced with useful and tasty fruit!


A woman always feels what her body lacks. Despite the healthy diet, the first lady does not set strict restrictions and sometimes can drink a diet cola, combining it with an unhealthy snack. One of the favorite dishes of the wife of the American president, a chicken with Parmigianino cheese, is served in one of the New York restaurants, although Melania allows himself the luxury of regretting them quite rarely.

Read also

According to the rules of the White House, all questions related to the food of its residents usually lie on the shoulders of the first lady. It is she who must follow the work of the cooks, who, moreover, chooses herself. But the details of this sphere of life of the White House are not known to anyone yet!