Ilon Mask first commented on the break with Amber Hurd

This weekend fans of the famous couple Ilona Mask and Amber Hurd waited disappointed. The press reported on the rupture of celebrities, explaining this by saying that the billionaire is dissatisfied with the behavior of his lover. This news blew up the Internet, giving rise to a lot of various versions of what happened. The decision to put an end to gossip and clarify the situation was taken over by Mask, who appealed to fans in the social network.

Amber Hurd and Ilon Mask

Confused confession of Ilona

After Mask flew to Los Angeles, and Ember stayed to work in Australia, the model and actress now and then publish interesting photos on her Instagram page. Not long ago, Hurd presented another photo, on which she poses with a fork in her hand. It was this picture that Ilon decided to comment on. The billionaire supplied him with a lot of pictures with hearts and smiles, and also made the following signature:

"A very beautiful and pretty picture !!!".

However, the phrase written did not put everything in its place, but, on the contrary, confused the fans. Then Mask decided to correct the situation and wrote a few more suggestions:

"Dear friends, I want to put an end to all the gossip and conversation that began to emerge after the news that Amber Heard and I broke up. Yes, it really is, but it does not mean that something terrible has happened between us. In fact, we are just very busy people who find it very difficult to combine their work schedules. Despite the fact that we are no longer together, we continue to maintain relationships and remain very close friends. While I myself do not know what's next for us. However, I think time will tell ... ".
Ilon Mask
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Mask often breaks the relationship

After the news published in the media that Ilon threw Ember Mask fans were not surprised. Those who follow the life of the billionaire know that Ilon is inclined to such actions. With his second wife actress Talula Riley, the billionaire was divorced twice, but still they maintain very good relations. As for the novel by Max and Hurd, it is rumored that the reason for the break was the photograph from the photo shoot Ember. It depicted Hurd in the company of stylists, where on the shoulder of one of them there was an imprint of the lipstick of the beloved Mask.

Scandalous photo with Amber Heard