Than to treat a rhinitis at the child of 6 months?

Every person is regularly confronted with a runny nose, since this symptom can accompany a huge number of different diseases. The six-month-old babies are no exception. Due to the peculiarities of immunity, children under the age of one year are incredibly susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which a runny nose may appear. In addition, acute rhinitis in a young child may occur for other reasons.

Treatment of a runny nose in a child at 6 months is complicated by the fact that the crumb does not know how to self-flagging, which means that the mucous secret does not leave his body. In this article, we will tell you how and how to treat a runny nose in a child in 6 months to release his respiratory tract from germs infected with mucus and as soon as possible to rid him of this unpleasant symptom.

Than to treat a cold at a babe in 6 months?

First of all, for the effective treatment of a cold in a half-year-old baby, it is necessary to moisten the mucosa of its spout with the help of ordinary saline or drops on the basis of sea water, for example, Aqualar for children or Aquamaris. Approximately 1-2 minutes later, the nasal passages must be cleaned of the mucous secretion using a special aspirator with interchangeable nozzles Otrivin Baby.

Although there are quite a few other systems for aspiration of the nose of infants, the overwhelming majority of pediatricians agree that it is this aspirator that is the best.

To remove swelling, use vasoconstrictive drugs, for example, Vibrocil or Xylen. It should be borne in mind that to treat children at the age of 6 months you can not use drugs in the form of a spray, so you need to buy drops with vasoconstrictive effect. Such drugs can trigger many side effects, so before using them, you should always consult a doctor.

In addition, if the doctor as a result of the survey determines that the cause of rhinitis lies in the viral damage of the child's body, he can additionally prescribe the use of antiviral agents, for example, Grippferon or Interferon. If the common cold is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, antihistamine drops such as Fenistil or Zirtek can be used.