Diet in pancreatitis - what can and can not eat?

Diet for pancreatitis provides a menu for acute forms and when lingering. In the first case, fatty, salty, spicy dishes are excluded. In the second - the diet allows up to 70 grams of fats and 350 carbohydrates per day, a minimum of dairy products. Vegetables are allowed to eat only stewed, sweets, eggs and mushrooms are excluded.

What can not be eaten with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an unpleasant disease requiring very strict dietary restrictions. It arises from the tendency to fatty foods, the pancreas starts to inflame and does not secrete juice for digestion. Eaten is not digested. So the diet with pancreatitis becomes the main recommendation of the doctor, which must be strictly observed, in order to maintain the optimal balance in the body.

What can not be eaten with chronic pancreatitis? Excluded conservation, baking and sweet, fast food and alcohol, fried and rich. The forbidden list also includes:

The diet after an attack of pancreatitis is more severe, only low-calorie meals are allowed. Only from the second week after an exacerbation it is possible to eat:

What can you eat with pancreatitis?

With this list, the question arises: what can you eat with pancreatitis? Doctors say: in the improvement stage, forbidden food is allowed, but very carefully. Allow small doses of baking on yeast and gingerbread, olive oil in salads, processed cheese without additives, stewed by-products. Many patients with this disease try to diversify the menu:

Diet in pancreatic pancreatitis

Diet for acute pancreatitis recommends eating small doses, so the menu should include breakfast number 2 and afternoon snacks. Optimum diet:


At lunch time:


Diet 5 with pancreatitis

Diet in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis helps to regulate the body and calm the gallbladder. Food should be viscous, good porridge: buckwheat, rice, semolina. For other products such recommendations:

For a day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water. Approximate ration for a week:

  1. Morning: fish cutlets, kashka or vinaigrette, not strong tea.
  2. Re-breakfast: cottage cheese or dried fruit.
  3. Day: soup from vegetables, mashed potatoes, boiled chicken or fish, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with jelly.
  5. Evening: kashka, a piece of boiled fillet or fish.

Diet of Elena Malysheva with pancreatitis

Experienced medic Elena Malysheva gives her recommendations on how to remove the load from the pancreas with proper nutrition. The main thing is to eat three meals and two more snacks, certainly at the same time. Drink at least 8 or 10 glasses of water. You can cook unsweetened compotes. What diet for pancreatitis is offered by Malysheva? Sample menu:

  1. Soups with the addition of algae, celery root, parsley.
  2. Omelet.
  3. Vegetable casseroles.
  4. Brown rice.
  5. Of porridge - preferably oatmeal.
  6. Baked pumpkin.
  7. Cottage cheese, yoghurt.
  8. Mashed potatoes.

Cucumber diet in pancreatitis

Diet for patients with pancreatitis includes the use of cucumbers, their digestion does not overload the diseased organ. Enter them carefully, clearing the skin. Doctors recommend eating 7 kilograms of this vegetable a week to properly relieve the diseased organ. Well-assimilated mixes with leaves of green salad, the ingredients must be finely chopped, removing the seeds. Store the dish in the fridge can not, cook should be at once. The diet for chronic pancreatitis also includes cucumber puree.

Puree from cucumbers



  1. Cucumbers to wash, peel.
  2. Finely chop, put into a blender.
  3. Add the dill, two drops of lemon juice, salt.
  4. Rinse, dilute with water.
  5. Serve chilled.

Kefir diet for pancreatitis

The first time after the attack, yogurt is not allowed to use, it is added gradually, from 50 milliliters to 200. Nutritionists believe that this product is good for the pancreas. It is recommended to take one glass of drink before going to bed. Gentle diet in pancreatitis insists on the replenishment of protein, because doctors advise to use kefir in salads.

Chicken and cheese salad



  1. Cook the fillet, cut into cubes.
  2. Cheese cut into cubes, add to the meat. Soft varieties do not need to be salted.
  3. Mix the yogurt, butter and dill into the sauce.
  4. Pour the ready salad, let it brew.

Buckwheat diet with pancreatitis

Diet after acute pancreatitis necessarily contains buckwheat, which stimulates the pancreas, promotes the release of insulin. The menu includes porridges from this cereal, an effective recipe for buckwheat, which insists on kefir. This dish is recommended to consume up to 10 days, a diet with a disease such as pancreatitis, requires a break in the same number of days, then the course can be repeated. It is best not to choose cereals, but cutlets, kefir - only skim.

Buckwheat on yogurt


  1. Rinse croup with cool and heated water.
  2. A glass of buckwheat pour two cups of kefir, the liquid should cover it for a couple of centimeters.
  3. Soak for ten hours.
  4. Portion is divided in half, eat in the morning and in the evening.