Beshbarmak is a traditional and quite popular dish that came to us from Kazakhstan and is very beloved by the Russian people. Usually it is prepared from lamb, horse meat or even beef. But not all people tolerate these kinds of meat, so they can be safely replaced with chicken or turkey. So, as a result of simple actions on your table in about an hour will be ready delicious, deliciously fragrant, original and very satisfying dish. Today we will tell you how to cook a terrific beshbarmak from chicken, and then you can make your own adjustments and experiment by adding various spices and vegetables.
Recipe for chicken beshbarmak
- chicken - 1,5 kg;
- bulb - 3 pieces;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- spice;
- fresh greens - 30 g.
For the test:
- wheat flour - 2,5 items;
- chicken egg - 3 pieces;
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- water or broth - 1 tbsp.
To prepare a beshbarmak from a chicken, the bird of my bird is dried, cut into pieces and put into a pan. Fill with water so that it covers the meat completely, and put it on the stove. When the soup boils, we remove the foam from the foam, reduce the heat and cook for about 2.5 hours, until the chicken is ready. For about 30 minutes before we throw salt and spices into the broth to taste. Now let's do the test. To do this, add a pinch of salt to the bowl with the sifted flour, break the eggs, pour in the vegetable oil and chill broth. We knead a rather steep dough, wrap it in a food bag and remove the minutes for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. After that, we take out the dough, divide into 2-3 identical parts and each roll out into a thin layer. We cut it into diamonds measuring about 7 centimeters and leave it to dry on a table or cutting board. We clean the onion, shred rings and fry on the warmed oil almost until it is ready. Then add a few tablespoons of broth and languen for a few minutes, covering the top with a lid. Cook the chicken carefully from the hot broth and leave to cool. Broth carefully filter into another clean pan, bring to a boil and boil in it diamonds from our pastry. Chicken meat is removed from the bones, we disassemble into fibers and lay out on a beautiful dish. On top of the meat we put the onion roast, and from above we cover the vegetables with cooked pieces of dough. Then pour a little broth and sprinkle the dish with fresh chopped greens.
Beshbarmak from chicken in multivark
- chicken fillet - 300 g;
- pasta seashells - 300 g;
- bulb - 1 piece;
- boiled water - 1.5 liters;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- fresh greens;
- tomato paste - to taste;
- carrots, celery, laurel leaves - for broth.
First, let's prepare all the products we need. To do this, put the chicken fillet, the whole carrots, coriander, celery root, laurel leaves and spices into the capacity of the multivarker. Then pour into a pot of boiled water, close the device with a lid and put the program "Soup" for 2 hours. This time in the saucepan on the stove we cook the pasta. The bulb is cleaned, shredded with half rings, poured into ready broth and leave to stand. The resulting broth as a result must be a thick mass. Boiled pasta "shell", which turned into plates, put a thick layer in a bowl, top sprinkled with finely chopped peeled onions and decorate the dish with greens. Further we pour beshbarmak at will ketchup and necessarily podsalivaem. When served on the table, we pour the broth into a separate piallet, and put the thicker in another plate.