Photophobia of the eye - the reasons that not everyone knows about

Photophobia is an abnormal intolerance by the organs of vision of artificial or natural light, under the influence of which discomfortable sensations arise. The causes of photophobia of the eyes can be different and accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

Why do the eyes react painfully to light?

Another name for this phenomenon is photophobia. Hypersensitivity to light, its phobia is especially pronounced under the influence of sources of bright illumination, and in conditions of twilight or in the dark discomfort in the eyes is often less. The main manifestation of the pathological condition under consideration is the reflex closure of the eyelids and the desire to close the eyes with the hands from the light. Often there is also pain in the eyes, increased formation of tear fluid, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes, which may indicate ophthalmic pathologies.

Asking questions, why there is photophobia, a symptom of which disease it can be, it should be considered among the possible causes, not only eye diseases. Thus, photophobia develops against the background of certain diseases of the central nervous system, is present in cases of infectious diseases of the body that occur with severe intoxication, appears as a side effect when taking certain medications (eg, furosemide, tetracycline). For these reasons may indicate additional manifestations: headache, nausea, fever, etc.

A normal physiological phenomenon is a short-term increased sensitivity of the eye, resulting from prolonged exposure to a room with poor lighting. This is explained by the fact that the pupil does not have time to adapt quickly to new conditions. This occurs after sleep, with prolonged reading, working behind a computer monitor. If the symptom occurs often and does not last long, it should alert.

Psychosomatics of photophobia

Sometimes the fear of light is a neuro-psychological disorder, in which a person has a panic fear of sunlight. This deviation is called heliophobia and is accompanied by the appearance of such symptoms during exposure to open sunlight:

Heliophobia forces a person to limit their stay outside the premises, narrow the circle of communication, hamper learning and employment. In view of isolation, not only the psychological state, but also physical health, is suffering. without sunlight in the body does not produce vitamin D. People with such a phobia pale skin, low body weight, problems with teeth and bone system.

Fear of light for colds

In viral and bacterial diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, eye photophobia is often observed, especially with a direct look towards the light rays. The symptom is caused by an intoxication of the organism associated with the multiplication of pathogenic microbes and the penetration of the products of their vital activity into the blood, and from there into the muscular tissues, including the ocular tissues. In addition, the patient has reddening of the eyeballs, burning in the eyes, painfulness with the movement of the eyes.

Sometimes pathogens affect the structures of the eye apparatus, causing concomitant conjunctivitis - an inflammatory process in the membrane surrounding the eyeball. In this case, depending on what signs of the disease, fear of light is accompanied by mucous or purulent secretions from the eyes, cuts, puffiness of the eyelids. More rarely, against the background of catarrhal infections, neuritis of the optic nerve appears, which has a similar symptomatology.

Photophobia with meningitis

With such a serious illness as meningitis , there is an infectious inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Photophobia and headache, intolerance of loud sounds, a sharp rise in body temperature, vomiting, a rash on the body are the main symptoms of the disease. In patients, intracranial pressure rises, brain nerves and eye vessels can be affected. In connection with the rapid flow and dangerous complications, meningitis patients need immediate hospitalization.

Photophobia with measles

Adults are ill with measles rarely, but becoming infected, they suffer a serious illness, often with complications. This viral pathology is necessarily accompanied by such symptoms as photophobia and lacrimation. Together with them there are other characteristic manifestations: sudden deterioration of the condition, severe weakness, fever, headache, runny nose, rash. The appearance of intolerance to light in measles, primarily due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision.

Photophobia - cataract

The cataract disease that occurs in many women at the age is characterized by a decrease in the transparency of the ophthalmic lens, partial or complete clouding of the lens. The main manifestation of this pathology is the appearance of blurred vision, in which objects are seen with blurred contours and look as if placed behind a misted glass. Often objects in front of the eyes are twofold, color perception changes.

In many cases, with this disease, there is an increased sensitivity to light, and photophobia increases by evening, and in the darkness, vision is significantly reduced. In addition, a characteristic vision of rainbow halos around the sources of light - lamps, lamps. This is due to the fact that light rays, reaching a clouded lens, dissipate and do not reach the retina.

Photophobia in glaucoma

Among the causes of eye photophobia, glaucoma is distinguished - a number of pathologies of the eye, accompanied by increased intraocular pressure due to a violation of outflow of fluid. As a result, pathological changes in the eye structures develop, visual acuity decreases, the optic nerve and retina are damaged. In adults, photophobia, the causes of which are associated with a variety of this pathology - closed-angle glaucoma, accompanies symptoms such as eye pain, headache, nausea.

How to get rid of photophobia?

Depending on the diseases in which photophobia is observed, the methods of getting rid of this symptom will differ. To establish a diagnosis, it often requires consultation not only with the ophthalmologist, but also with specialists from other fields of medicine. Having found provoking factors, it is necessary to start treatment, which can consist of conservative methods or surgical interventions. While treatment is being conducted, photophobia of the eyes can be minimized, adhering to the recommendations:

Drops with eye photophobia

Photophobia of the eyes, the causes of which are explained by ophthalmic diseases, is eliminated through the use of eye drops, often the following:

In some cases, in conjunction with the treatment of eye medications, it is recommended to perform gymnastics and eye massage. If after the application of drops prescribed by the doctor within 3-5 days the photophobia is not eliminated and the photophobia does not decrease, the treatment requires correction. It may be necessary to conduct repeated and additional diagnostic activities.

Treatment of eye photophobia with folk remedies

With the permission of the doctor, you can try to reduce the fear of bright light through folk remedies. Many plants have proven themselves in the treatment of ophthalmic symptoms, and photophobia of the eyes, whose causes are associated with eye pathologies, is no exception.

The recipe for drops


Preparation and use:

  1. Pour the grass with water, bring to a boil.
  2. Insist for three hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. Bury 3 drops in each eye before going to sleep.