When to wean a child from a dummy?

It is sometimes not easy to remove a baby from a nipple. And all because parents do not always have time to guess the right moment.

To determine at what age it is better to wean the child from a dummy, let's try to figure out what it's for, and how to make this parting painless.

What for to a dummy?

So, many mothers immediately after the birth accustom the child to the nipple. It can not be said that this is wrong. To some extent, dummies have a beneficial effect on the development and emotional state of babies, because they allow to fully satisfy the unconditioned sucking reflex . With her help, children calm down, fall asleep more easily, thanks to the baby's dummy, a feeling of security and comfort is created.

When a child grows up, but is not in a hurry to part with his "faithful companion," parents should pay attention, perhaps their children lack attention and care. Thus, he tries to eliminate psychological discomfort and fill the lack of parental warmth.

At what age should we wean the child from a dummy?

Each kid is individual, he develops, he knows the world, he has his own habits and perception of the environment. Therefore, it is impossible to name the exact age when it is necessary and it is possible to wean the child from a pacifier.

It is believed that in 3-6 months, the baby, who was originally used to the nipple, can abandon this habit without any consequences. During this period, the children have all the signs of a willingness to throw a pacifier, but not many mothers have time to take advantage of the moment and subsequently face difficulties.

The next favorable moment, when it is necessary to excommunicate a child from a dummy, comes not earlier than two years. Due to the fact that only in this age at the child comes the understanding of the clear requirements and persuasions of parents. In addition, the baby begins to realize that he is growing up, and he does not need a nipple.

How to wean crumbs from a dummy - methods

Decide how much to wean the child from a dummy , it is only the parents. Also, they should remember that in the process of weaning from the nipple, you need to show as much attention to the baby and take an active part in his life. No sharp actions, that is, you can not forcefully remove the nipple, spread her mustard, as I often advise my grandmother, cut it, or throw it away sharply. It is best to try to agree and explain to the crumb that he is already an adult, and it is better to give a nipple to a rabbit, a squirrel or some other fairy-tale characters.

You can invent a story and original, the main thing is that the baby becomes interested and agrees to take part. Be ready that he then change his mind and begin to ask "darling" back. In this case, you do not need to insist on your own. It must be understood that a child, no matter at what age you began to wean him from a pacifier, it is difficult to part with the usual way of his little world.