Cream Advantan

Allergies are usually accompanied by skin rashes and various dermatoses that cause itching and discomfort. Therefore, local therapeutic preparations, of which Advantan cream is often prescribed, are of no small importance. The product is safe enough for use on sensitive areas of the epidermis and even on the face.

Cream for allergies Advantan - hormonal or not?

The active substance of the drug in question is methylprednisolone, which is a local glucocorticosteroid. Linking to cellular receptors, it suppresses the response and response of the immune system to histamines in the blood, which helps eliminate allergic symptoms.

Thus, Advantan is a hormonal drug, therefore its use must necessarily be coordinated with a dermatologist. Despite the fact that it has a local effect, methylprednisolone still produces a systemic effect.

Cream Advantan - instructions for use

In addition to this active ingredient, the agent contains glycerin, water, preservatives, alcohol and solid fat.

The main indications for prescribing the medicine are:

It is also advisable to apply the drug in other manifestations of skin allergy associated with inflammatory processes in the tissues, the formation of blisters and purulent lesions.

Application of Advantan cream:

  1. Thoroughly clean the skin with damaged areas with a soft, alcohol-free antiseptic.
  2. Lubricate the cream with the epidermis, without rubbing, but after waiting for the absorption of the product.
  3. Repeat once a day for 3 months.

For children, the course of treatment is slightly shorter - only 4 weeks.

During therapy, unpleasant side effects associated with intolerance to methylprednisolone may occur:

If there was at least one of the above symptom, you need to tell the allergist to replace the drug.

Also it is worth remembering the contraindications to Advantanus. Any viral skin lesions, syphilis and tuberculosis are diseases incompatible with the treatment represented by the drug. The medication can weaken local immunity, which will allow bacterial infections to multiply more intensively and pathologies will acquire a severe chronic form.

Advantan - cream or ointment?

This medicine is available in various forms, which are selected in accordance with the type of skin. So, dehydrated and flaky epidermis needs additional moisturizing and water retention in the cells, so in such situations it is better to use the ointment. Wetting wounds and lesions, on the contrary, require drying, and the cream will be the optimal solution to the problem.

In addition, the difference between the cream Advantan and the ointment is in the composition. The concentration of methylprednisolone is the same, but the auxiliary substances are different. Ointment contains more fats and includes medical Vaseline that creates on the skin microscopic film, preventing moisture loss.

Advantan cream during pregnancy

As a rule, glucocorticosteroids are not recommended for use by future mothers. Only in rare cases, the considered agent is used in the treatment of pregnant women, when the therapeutic effect is really necessary for a woman.

At the same time, do not apply the cream to large areas of the affected skin, and also undergo a long course of treatment. When the first improvements appear, Advantan tries to replace a safer drug.