Salt from the evil eye and spoilage

Salt in rituals from evil eye and spoilage has been used since ancient times. The thing is that this product has the ability to absorb negative energy. The magical action of salt is recognized and used in their rituals by experienced magicians and psychics.

How to remove spoilage on salt?

If you found needles or any strange objects near the doorstep or door, then someone in the house caused damage. To get rid of this negative, you need to perform a ritual as soon as possible to get rid of it. In a plate and put salt in it. In the hands take a candle, light it and cross it three times with salt. Then say three times:

"She baptized the salt, and saved the house from the malice that was let go. Amen".

The salt must be spread over all corners of the house at night. In the morning, collect everything and dig it further away. When you come home, be sure to wash the floor.

Seven-day salt cleaning from spoilage

For the ritual, you need to take a pack of salt and a frying pan. Salt burn in a frying pan, and read this conspiracy:

"What came of the wind, then went to the wind. What has emerged from the forest has gone to the same place.

From the people came - to him and gone. And it appeared from the ground - it also went into it. "

If there is spoilage, then the salt will darken, crackle and unpleasantly smell. Pour salt into the plate and put it near the bed at night. If you do not damage yourself, then place a photo of the person next to it. The ritual must be repeated for seven days. Then use the salt to wash in the sink, and the rest in the pack, bury as far as possible from the house.

Effective rite to remove spoilage with salt

This ritual will help to remove the negative not only from yourself, but also from close relatives. It is necessary to buy a pack of any salt, and in the church there are 13 candles. To the rite should start at exactly 24:00 all alone. Light the candles, put salt next to it and for a while, without looking up, look at the flame. Try to order thoughts, get rid of all negativity, do not curse anyone, and do not blame for what happened. Gently open the pack and read the plot several times against spoilage and evil eye with salt:

"With yourself and your husband, with your children and relatives, damned damage, rather leave. A monstrous evil eye or the curse of the family, let some evil evil go away to the salt. I take off the spoilage , I take the salt, in the night by candlelight I turn on the fire. Let black evil into powder come, pour salt, to them it will go. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Put out the candles and bury them together with a pack of salt in a place where people do not walk.