Fresh cucumber soup

Few people know that fresh cucumbers can form the basis of a delicious and mouth-watering first course. We offer a recipe of the original cold soup-puree from cucumbers with avocado, and also tell how to prepare a delicious rassolnik with the participation of a fresh, not a salted vegetable. Despite the unconventional cooking, both dishes are harmonious and balanced.

If desired, excluding cream from the first recipe, and in the second replacing ghee with vegetable, you can consider the dish as lean or vegetarian.

Cold soup with fresh cucumbers - recipe



Prepare cold soup is extremely simple. It is enough to wash the cucumbers, cut them into pieces, put them in a blender jar with the sprigs of basil, olive oil and lettuce and chop everything to mashed potatoes. Immediately we mass the mass to taste with a large rock salt and ground pepper and then we spill on the plates. For a spectacular feed, you can first pour the soup into the soup bowl.

Now prepare an addition to this soup of avocado. First, we clean, and then cut the fruit into two parts and extract the stone. Grind the flesh of the fruit with the sieve in the blender until it is mashed.

When serving in a bowl of cucumber soup, spread out a spoonful of avocado puree on top and complement the composition with a leaf of basil.

Hot soup rassolnik from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with pearl barley



Rassolnik from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes can be prepared both on meat broth, and on vegetable or even simply on water. In any case, it will be delicious, fragrant and appetizing. We first set the barley, washing it and water. For fast preparation it is desirable to pre-soak the croup for the night. We also boil the broth or simply boil the water. At this time we prepare vegetables. Initially, cut into strips or grate on a large grater cucumber. Then we clean and shinkuem small slabs of potatoes.

Melenko rub the peeled onion and fry it on melted butter for about three minutes. Now add the sliced ​​sweet pepper and carrots and fry the ingredients to a slight softening. In the process of frying we add spices and spices, namely we introduce turmeric, paprika, nutmeg, oregano. After the preparation of the vegetables in the pan, we add finely chopped fresh tomatoes.

In boiling water, we put in crushed cucumbers, cook for ten minutes, add potatoes and after repeated boiling we transfer to the soup a vegetable frying from the frying pan and a ready pearl barley. After about five minutes of moderate boiling, add salt, sugar, lemon juice, bay leaves, pepper to the dish and cook for another couple of minutes. You can also throw in the soup at the end of the cooking for flavor scraped and chopped garlic cloves.

When serving, we supplement the soup with fresh herbs of parsley and dill.