Rash on the body

The condition of the skin of a person is considered to be one of the important indicators of health. Skin rash on the body is a symptom of many diseases of various origins. Eruptions can be caused by infectious diseases, and evidence of the need for immediate medical attention. It is worth noting that very often to determine the cause of the rash on the body is not enough just to inspect, and you may need an additional examination. The temperature and rash on the body is considered a particularly disturbing symptom, as it can be a sign of an acute infectious disease requiring emergency care. If the skin rash on the body itches, and is not associated with an allergic reaction, then this can be a sign of a skin disease that is dangerous to others.

Types of rashes on the body vary in appearance and in the nature of the rashes. A red, white, pink, watery rash on the body can be in the form of nodules, plaques, spots, blisters, pustules, roseol. Diagnosis takes into account not only the appearance and location of the rashes, but, mainly, the presence of additional symptoms or signs of the disease.

In the absence of other symptoms of the disease, and in particular, if the rash on the body itches, first of all it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

In many cases, a rash on the body, and itching is a manifestation of allergic reactions. Also, allergies can be accompanied by a runny nose and increased lachrymation. For example, common is a red rash on the body in children, which appears after interacting with certain foods or substances. To prevent the development of allergic complications, it is necessary to establish an allergen and avoid contact with this substance.

When a large red rash appears on the body, it is necessary to exclude rubella, which is also characterized by signs of intoxication, an increase in lymph nodes.

The appearance of a red rash on the body, which itches and gradually transforms into bubbles filled with fluid, can be a sign of smallpox.

Scarlet fever is also accompanied by the appearance of a shallow red rash on the body. In this case, there are signs of angina, an increase in temperature, there may be an itch.

The appearance of a rash that looks like a small hemorrhage may be a sign of thrombocytopenia, accompanied by the appearance of bruises on the limbs and bleeding from the mucous membranes. Before the arrival of a doctor, it is necessary to limit mobility as much as there is a danger of internal hemorrhages.

When a meningitis is observed a rash irregular shape in the form of hemorrhages. This type of rash is accompanied by high temperature. Typical places of spread of the rash are thighs, buttocks and shin. Immediate call of the doctor is mandatory.

For measles is characterized by a large rash, the elements of which have uneven edges and can merge. It is accompanied by high temperature, signs of intoxication.

When scabies, the rash on the body itches, the elements of the rash are located in pairs, the lesions - the stomach and hands.

Syphilis, sepsis, typhoid, psoriasis, dermatitis, monoculosis, lichen, toxicermy, mycosis and many other diseases can begin or be accompanied by the appearance of a rash.

If there is an obvious rash on the body, you should contact the doctor for diagnostic and treatment as soon as possible. Procrastination or attempts to get rid of rashes on your own can lead to aggravation of the disease and the development of complications. It should be remembered that in most cases the treatment of the rash on the body must begin with the elimination of the cause that caused this reaction. To eliminate itching, you can use special ointments or folk remedies, but only after examination and consultation with your doctor.