Light evening make-up

In the hot summer, I do not want to apply a thick layer of make-up on my face, even for solemn events and romantic meetings. In such situations, an easy evening make-up is better, allowing to look perfect and simultaneously not burdening the skin. There are both universal, suitable for all women, and special versions of light-make-up intended for a certain color .

Light evening make-up for black and brown eyes

The dark iris itself is quite bright and noticeable, so it is enough to emphasize it with one of the following shades:

Looks great as an evening make-up non-replaceable classic - black neat hands combined with red matte lipstick.

When doing a make-up for brown eyes, it is important to remember 3 nuances:

  1. The color of the shadows does not exactly match the shade of the iris.
  2. It looks better black ink.
  3. Eyebrows need to be decorated with a cosmetic product that matches the color with the natural tone of the hair.

Light evening make-up for light and dark green eyes

Women with bright emerald, saturated green or marsh eyes are warm shades of shadows:

In this case, you can also make a classic make-up with the arrows, or try an interesting universal version of make-up:

  1. Align the tone of the face with friable powder or a similar remedy, which imperceptibly lays down a thin veil.
  2. To emphasize the cheekbones, forehead and nose of the bronzer, you can with brilliance.
  3. Gently decorate the eyebrows.
  4. Disguise the "bruises" under the eyes concealer.
  5. On the lower line of the eyebrows, apply a light shade of shades - milky, light beige.
  6. The same color to highlight the inner corners of the eyes.
  7. A little above the rolling age and on its entire surface, shimmer brown shadows.
  8. The outer corners of the eyes and the fold (up to half) are highlighted with dark bronze shadows with a shimmer. To feather makeup.
  9. Line over the lower lashes with a pencil.
  10. To paint eyelashes with black ink.
  11. Lips to decorate with glossy gloss.
  12. If desired, add a light shimmer to the top of the cheekbones and blush.

Light evening make-up for gray and blue eyes

Unbeatable shade options for the described shades of the iris are:

To create an easy and unobtrusive visage, stylists recommend to abandon the generally accepted practice of darkening the outer corner of the eye and folds. Instead, you can put shadows on the entire upper eyelid and gently blend them, achieving soft color transitions.