Polysorb from acne - internal and external cleansing of the skin

Sometimes inflammatory eruptions and acne are formed on the skin due to general intoxication of the body . In such cases, dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend the use of effective sorbents, like Polysorb, which help to quickly remove and remove toxic chemicals from the lymph and blood, and cleanse the skin from them.

Polysorb - Properties

The drug is an inorganic enterosorbent, it is made from highly dispersed silica. Specialists prescribe Polysorb for problem skin, because it has pronounced detoxification and absorbing properties. Suspension, made from powder, works like a magnet - particles of silica attract harmful and poisonous substances:

The medicine binds the listed compounds and removes them from the body. It is not absorbed in the digestive tract and comes out unchanged, so it is perfectly safe to apply Polysorb from acne. Enterosorbent attracts extremely toxic substances, vitamins, beneficial bacteria, micro- and macro elements, the drug does not bind and does not excrete, which ensures the maintenance of normal intestinal flora.

Does Polysorp help acne?

The presented remedy is not a panacea in the presence of acne or inflamed ulcers, often its use is meaningless. Polysorb against acne works only if the cause of their occurrence is:

When the pathology progresses against a background of hormonal imbalance, genetic disorders and other disorders not associated with intoxication, Polysorb for the face from acne will not have the expected effect. Harm does not cause enterosorbent, therefore it can be optionally included in complex therapeutic schemes to normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Polysorb - the method of application

Silica is used in two ways: orally and topically. Cosmetologists say that Polysorb from acne is more effective if it is applied internally and externally. The combination of general detoxification and deep cleansing of skin pores from poisons and contaminants ensures the accelerated achievement of the goal and steady results. Before starting the treatment course, it is important to study PolySorp from acne well - how to take the powder, apply to the epidermis, how much to use it. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist first.

Polysorb from acne - how to take inside?

The method of application of enterosorbent in the treatment of acne is identical to the scheme of therapy specified in the instructions to the drug. Here's how to drink Polysorb from acne:

  1. Dilute to 100-110 ml of boiled or pure non-carbonated water 1 tbsp. spoon (with a slide) of silica powder. If the patient's weight exceeds 60 kg, you can take 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Stir Polysorb until a translucent suspension is obtained.
  3. Fully drink the medicine.

This manipulation in the presence of acne should be performed thrice a day between meals. It is important that the last meal was taken at least 1.5 hours, and until the next it was about 60 minutes. The duration of oral use of Polysorb from acne is 1.5-2 weeks. If there is a need for further intake of enterosorbent, repeat the course is allowed only after a 30-day break.

Mask from Polisorba from acne

Outwardly the medicine can be used for months, but not every day, and 1-2 times a week. The manufacturer of the drug recommends the simplest face mask from Polysorb - the prescription for acne includes silicon powder and pure water. A thick mixture is applied to the skin and washed off before drying, after 10 minutes, but there is an improved version of this product. After manipulation it is important to moisturize the epidermis with a fat cream to neutralize Polysorb - the face mask from acne very dry the skin. If you skip this step, there will be peeling and cracking.

Mask from Polisorba from acne - recipe


Preparation, use

Shake the water with a hydrolate. Dilute the resulting silica powder to form a thick and plastic jelly-like mass. On the unwashed face distribute the composition, thickly covering the entire skin except for the eyelids and lips. When the mask starts to take a crust, immediately wash it off with a large volume of warm water. Moisten the face with oily milk or cream.

Scrub from Polisorba

This option of using the sorbent should be used 2-3 times a month. In this case, Polysorb helps with acne and comedones, pulls plugs from the pores. The scrub is prepared as a mask, only it is necessary to take less water, so that the consistency resembles a thick gel. This tool should massage previously cleansed skin. In the process, the scrub will dry and roll, grabbing dirt and the extra secret of the sebaceous glands.